Really?...THIS is how it happens?

Yes. I was screwing around in a grassy field behind one of the motocross tracks one time and hit a hole going ~65. Threw me over the bars and I went head first into the ground. Everything went black for a minute, but I was fine. Still raced that day. The other times were just typical falls (ladders, ramps, etc) for the most part
Ouch!!! :yikes:

If it were me, I would want to be checked for concussion after something like that... at the very least. Glad you were okay though.

(Look up Natasha Richardson for a scary example of what can happen when someone thinks they are "just fine" after a head injury. :()
I snapped both bones in my right arm just above the wrist as a kid. Bicycle plus speed plus curb.

Greenstick fractures both. Huge dude set it by three people pulling on the arm and him pushing down with his body weight against a flat board after I had enough morphine in my system that the only thing bad about it was listening to the crunching.
Cracked a bone in my right hand during my Freshman year in high school. Someone hit me from behind (snapped me with a towel) as I was coming out of the showers after PE and I swung my arm to clear him, right into a wall. Laughed about it during the final period of the day, then called home. Doctor took an x-ray and said, "You broke your hand." 3 weeks in a cast and it was fine. After three weeks that cast was quite a weapon. Just stick it under someone's nose and they'd faint from the smell.

Tore up my left ankle in college when a clown ran a stop sign and hit our motorcycle broadside. Broke both bones in my wife's left leg halfway between the knee and ankle. That was 45 years ago and we still pay for it.

Other than that, I haven't broken anything.