Hi Jim and everyone.
A while back I developed a Logbook, for my own use, and you may use it if you find it useful. Post here if you have any questions See pic. for a view of the Printed output. TV
Pilot logbook summary.
Developed for my own use, and some people I fly with, on Excel 2000 and Win OS. Should work OK on later versions.
This is simple to use and it simulates the Gleim paper logbook format.
It can easily modified, add columns, rows, etc., this is set up to Print on a single page.
The top 3 Rows are frozen, and you can view them even when you scroll below the bottom of the page. To Freeze / Unfreeze rows / Columns you can select the Row just below the on you want, i.e. if you want to Freeze top 3 rows select 4 then Alt+W+F, or "Window, Freeze Panes".
How to use:
Rename "LOG-BK-SMPL.ZIP", to "LOG-BK-SMPL.xls"
You can overwrite any existing value, in any cell to begin with.
1-In row 4, (START) enter your old data from your other books, enter 0 (zero) if no carry from other books.
2-Enter your New data in rows 5 forward, I typically use 10 / page.
3- At the bottom of the page, Row 15, the formulas will add your entered values.
You can continue to add next / new pages and all you have to do is copy the Row 15 to the bottom of your next page, in this case Row 26. You should / may clear all data below Row 15 to start with.
Row 3 shows the total, Last line entered at the bottom of the column and it will update as you enter data , if value of 2 is at the bottom of column F, number 2 will be displayed until you get the formulas entered and the totals are computed.
Formulas used:
=SUM(F4:F14) ; Found in Row 15, adds, sums up, all the values entered in Column F between Rows 4-14. When a cell / row is copied the formulas will adjust the to the new location, F4:F14 becomes G4:G14 if copied to Column G.
=INDEX(F:F,MATCH(9.99999999999999E+307,F:F)) ;Found in Row 3, displays the Last value in that Column, to be able to view your Totals at first glance, top of page.