Reach for the AFM

How many of us have ever availed themselves to this resource? I've only flipped a POH or Pilot's Guide while on the ground during planning or in bed learning about xyz.

I've only used the POH *inflight* for trips to low density altitudes, to verify the settings for 75% power or below at current alt and temp.
There's been a couple mentions of electronic versions of AFM, AOM, POM, POH, or any other TLA for "the book" ... any links to such?
On board POH always comes in handy when trying to figure out an obscure warning or annunciation. Good for trouble shooting. Also, before hopping in into a new airplane I read the manual front to back.
There's been a couple mentions of electronic versions of AFM, AOM, POM, POH, or any other TLA for "the book" ... any links to such?

Some airplane POH's have been converted to PDF and can be found on the web. As long as you have iBooks or some other PDF reader installed on the iPad you can access them. As far as what is available, that varies greatly with each airplane type. You just have to do some searching.

Here is a link for a PA28 POH for example:
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