<rant> Weather</rant> Update <rant Adulting /rant>

Each CAVU day here in SC, I suffer. My poor bird is locked in its cage still.
Weather here was beautiful on Sunday, CAVU with maybe a 10-15 mph wind. Went to the airport and the 2" or so of snow we got the day before was still everywhere, usually they'll at least plow the runways but they didn't this time. I cleared enough to push myself out of the hangar and had a really fun slip sliding crosswind taxi to get to the runway, but after that it was great! According to my tracks in the snow I was the only one who used the airport all weekend.

I saw your tracks did a touch and go there in My Grumman on Sunday so added to them, was going to get some fuel but judging by the snow decided to go to Appleton instead.
First time up today since Nov. of last year. Butter smooth air . 1.3 hours just practicing ground maneuvers , slow flight , pattern work. Delightful morning . Turned off cold and overcast by early afternoon. Strong north winds and snow showers forcast overnight.
Hey Rich, any good eating places close to the airport? I’ve landed at RBW before but never ventured into town.
Absolutely not. There is one, barely, passable Mexican place and about 30 places to get fried chicken (mostly chains). The best place to eat in town is a food truck that has an unreliable schedule. I travel for good food. Most people fly into RBW for hunting, plantations, or the Tuskeegee memorial.
I saw your tracks did a touch and go there in My Grumman on Sunday so added to them, was going to get some fuel but judging by the snow decided to go to Appleton instead.

That's funny! I was sitting on the end of 25 in the Lake when you did that!
Absolutely not. There is one, barely, passable Mexican place and about 30 places to get fried chicken (mostly chains). The best place to eat in town is a food truck that has an unreliable schedule. I travel for good food. Most people fly into RBW for hunting, plantations, or the Tuskeegee memorial.

The rebuilding that's been done since the storm is very nicely done. With the amount of traffic that comes in there perhaps they should consider an on field restaurant.
Do you want to know what's far and away worse than weather?
Responsible adulting.

First good day in 3 weeks.
Clear, visibility infinity, zero wind. OK it's -1, but I built a salamander to pre-heat the engine and it works great.
Finally, my adult responsibilities, meshed with the weather.
I'm going flying!
I was putting my flight bag in the car, the car was running. I went back in to get my travel mug and my sunglasses. The phone rings.
The plumber, who I have been waiting for for 2 weeks, is on his way to my house.
Right. Now.
The rest of the week is supposed to be crap.

That sucks! It seems like there's always something. The plumber was probably supposed to go to a different pilot's house but that guy cancelled because he wanted to go flying. :D
Adulting is a trap that you can only escape by retiring.
"adulting" - what the he.he.heck is adulting?
"adulting" - what the he.he.heck is adulting?

Not as fun as it sounds...

the practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks.