Cleared for Takeoff
Hey guys....was just thinking about my last solo xc, and had a general question come up: What constitutes an "emergency", an "oh ****, I better land now, but not quite an emergency", " mehh, I'll take care of it when I land, and don't need to worry about it until later", etc...situation
Granted, I figure this question is vague and will differ from person to person, and some obvious answers (like the engine stopping) are...well....obvious. But reading various threads and the subsequent responses, it seems like it varies by person. I recall reading responses similar to, "well, the do-hickey didn't work, but I didn't worry about it." Or "it wasn't a problem, the flux capacitor was showing signs of failing, but I just flew it home anyway and will have the mechanic look at it when I get the chance." On the opposite end of the spectrum, I've seen people here respond by saying that they were seconds away from declaring an emergency because the clock in their plane was 45 seconds fast....
I ask this question because (as I said) I recently took a solo xc flight and while on the way back, I noticed the front right cowl (its a cessna 140) rod start to back out and the very front of said cowl was flapping in the wind. I noticed that the rod backed out enough to make contact with the bottom of the windscreen, and wasn't going to back out any further...so I just made the decision to fly back to the airport and tell the instructor about the issue. Obviously nothing serious happened, but it got me thinking whether or not that was a good choice.....
What says you fine people
(I know the text of this question isn't exactly clear, but I can elaborate further if needed).
Granted, I figure this question is vague and will differ from person to person, and some obvious answers (like the engine stopping) are...well....obvious. But reading various threads and the subsequent responses, it seems like it varies by person. I recall reading responses similar to, "well, the do-hickey didn't work, but I didn't worry about it." Or "it wasn't a problem, the flux capacitor was showing signs of failing, but I just flew it home anyway and will have the mechanic look at it when I get the chance." On the opposite end of the spectrum, I've seen people here respond by saying that they were seconds away from declaring an emergency because the clock in their plane was 45 seconds fast....
I ask this question because (as I said) I recently took a solo xc flight and while on the way back, I noticed the front right cowl (its a cessna 140) rod start to back out and the very front of said cowl was flapping in the wind. I noticed that the rod backed out enough to make contact with the bottom of the windscreen, and wasn't going to back out any further...so I just made the decision to fly back to the airport and tell the instructor about the issue. Obviously nothing serious happened, but it got me thinking whether or not that was a good choice.....
What says you fine people
(I know the text of this question isn't exactly clear, but I can elaborate further if needed).