Pattern Altitude
Anyone else feel that most threads on this board end back up with 'MAG SUCKS'? There seems to be this bandwagon mentality of lets bash this guy to pieces. Just seems to get more and more childish as it goes on.
Greebo said:Nick, show me one other aviation related group being bashed here that we're allowing (as in AWARE OF) and you might have a leg to stand on with that claim.
We didn't allow AOPA bashing to take place, we're not allowing MAG bashing to take place. We wont' allow any other aviation group bashing to take place either.
End of story.
I should, perhaps, want the possibility of PoA to be associated with defamatory remarks?SkyHog said:Right - but your definition of bashing in the MAG case is nothing like the others. For example:
I Post "How about a MAG Sucks Shirt?"
You delete
Ah, you're looking for consistency. Sorry, how I respond to issues depends on how much time I have. When I'm pressed for time, I take the path of least effort. Also, the more times we have to repeat a caution, the more harsh the response is likely to be.I post "I don't go to AOPA anymore, they're jerks."
You post umpteen warnings about how we don't tolerate it, and give a link or two to the RoC.
Lots of assumptions here based on your own conjecture. We've warned about copyright issues before. I do not like to edit content. When the initial post of a thread violates the RoC, I have to delete the thread or edit it.I post an actual NEWS item about MAG picking a location for their new shop. You delete because there is a copyrighted picture. You know where I stand on the sissy attitude of "Oh noes, we're gonna get sued!" But, that not being the major point, why didn't you just take the offending picture out of the post and let me know why? Instead, you've got either some macho "I'm in charge" thing going on, or you really want to protect MAG, so you deleted the thread and then warned the whole board about violating copyrights.
WrongSo lets get this straight: If you see the word "MAG" on the board, and its not "Oh man, Martin Aviation Group is so awesome!" then it'll be deleted. Anything less, and its a violation of the RoC.
BTW - TSA is, in a very big way, an aviation group, Chuck, as is the dude that came up with the blasted wing spin crash recovery thing that everyone bashed. You couldn't have missed that one
Didn't read, it had a lot of posts in it. But MAG was never mentioned.
Other aviation groups you turn your back on: Airbus,
Didn't readCirrus,
Didn't readthose aviators that LEGALLY enter a non-towered airport without radios,
skimmed"Any Traffic Please Advise"ers,
Government agency, not privately operated, and didn't readthe FAA (bashed more than any other group, I'd say),
Didn't readand umpteed others.
I'm picking things as I happen across them. I removed the posts from the PoA apparal thread because I *saw* them, and if we do PoA apparal, I DO NOT want people making ANY connection between the dislike for MAG here by some and our gear.You are picking and choosing because he had the nerve to say "Lawyer."
The MAG bashing has become excessive. When you (general) go out of your way to inject it into a completely unrelated topic like POA Apparel, you really need to stop and consider who has the bigger issue.Rules of Conduct said:Pilots of America shall have the right and sole discretion to edit, to refuse to port or to remove any content whatsoever which it finds to be in violation of the provisions hereof or which it finds in its sole discretion to be otherwise objectionable for any reason.
Actually I realised what I was writing was redundant and deleted that post.Greebo said:You are entitled to hold your opinion, Jesse. You've made it abundantly clear, to the point that repetition on your part of this opinion is completely unnecessary.
No, POA would be associated with pilots stating their opinion about an aviation organization or topic. Obviously you don't want anything on POA that may be negative towards a group. Negativity is human nature and quite frankly it's what makes the world function.Greebo said:I should, perhaps, want the possibility of PoA to be associated with defamatory remarks?
We expect that to happen, of course. But as I said above when I edited my earlier reply, when it goes to the point of being injected in completely unrelated topics, its clearly gone beyond simple discussion and into bashing.Don't be surprised at some point if a medium for pilots to freely discuss aviation topics along with their personal opinions (some positive, some negative) of the aviation community happens to form.
jangell said:Right now I think POA is on the verge of losing some members.
Michael,Michael said:Your right there Jess. I am about to leave because i am sick of all the bashing taking place. This is NO WAY for pilots to behave. Other outsiders look in on these boards and see us pilots as just a bunch of whiney babies, bashing each other.
I was going to delete my membership this mornig but could not find where to do it.
Darrell111 said:What i dont understand is..
This is a free forum for us all to use. The people who run it ask us not to talk about certain things and then some act like its breaking the constitution or something. If you disagree with the policies, you dont like the way its run maybe its not for you.
Thumper said that????? I thought it was my Mom who made that up!bstratt said:Remember Thumper? "If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all"!
Yep! In the movie "Bambi". Saw it when I was 5 (just a few years ago!).Diana said:Thumper said that????? I thought it was my Mom who made that up!
Darrell111 said:What i dont understand is..
This is a free forum for us all to use. The people who run it ask us not to talk about certain things and then some act like its breaking the constitution or something. If you disagree with the policies, you dont like the way its run maybe its not for you.