Question about SI Renewal - Obtaining Documentation 60 Days Prior to Expiration


SI Renewal

Hi all, I have an SI that expires in November. It says "At least 60 days prior to the expiration of your medical certificate, you are required to obtain the following: [various documents]." It also says that my physical exam can be in November, and that my AME should mail in the supporting documentation.

What I am confused about is obtaining the information "at least 60 days prior to the expiration of your medical certificate." I get that I'm supposed to obtain it some time in September. But then I just hold on to it until November, when I go to the physical? Or should I send it in myself at that time, even though the AME is also supposed to send it in when I get my physical in November?

It seems weird to require me to obtain the information at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the medical certificate, but then not do anything with it for two months. How would they even know if I wait until the night before the physical? Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.
Normally you will want the documentation sent directly from the healthcare provider to your AME. I would start on it early as it can take months for them to locate and send your documents along (we are talking large bureaucracies at hospitals in many cases).
Normally you will want the documentation sent directly from the healthcare provider to your AME. I would start on it early as it can take months for them to locate and send your documents along (we are talking large bureaucracies at hospitals in many cases).
Thanks! Luckily my doctor is super responsive, and I always get what I need from him within 24 hours (and usually more like an hour!) So, not worried about that. But it sounds like you're saying really it's just a matter of getting it, I don't really need to do anything with it 60 days beforehand.
You just need to make sure it goes directly to the AME handling your case. Not through you.
If your medical expires in November, perhaps this is their way of suggesting you get your exam done and paperwork sent in well in advance to avoid any lapse if your AME can't issue a certificate on the spot. That way the FAA will have at least 60 days before you lapse.
You just need to make sure it goes directly to the AME handling your case. Not through you.
Why? I've had an SI for almost two decades and I've never had the information sent from the doctor to the AME. I've always gathered the information and brought it with me to my AME appointment. My SI authorization says, "Give the required documentation to your AME at the time of, or prior to, your FAA medical examination." I also don't have the 60 day language anywhere in my SI authorization.
If your medical expires in November, perhaps this is their way of suggesting you get your exam done and paperwork sent in well in advance to avoid any lapse if your AME can't issue a certificate on the spot. That way the FAA will have at least 60 days before you lapse.
Just to be clear, my understanding is that this is standard language in every SI. It's just an SI for sleep apnea, so as long as I have the really easy-to-obtain documentation (doctor's letter, compliance report, and signed compliance statement) there shouldn't be any issues. The SI expressly instructs the AME to issue if I provide the documentation (and not to issue if I don't). I'd rather not go 60 days early if I don't have to because then it effectively becomes a 10 month medical.
I took all my paperwork to the AME as required for the Sleep Apnea SI. The AME issued my medical certificate on the spot for my 3rd class. This year is the off year, and I submit my paperwork with the attestation directly to the FAA who then issues me the certificate good for the next year. Been doing this for 10 years, never had a problem, although in the off year, I do send the paper work in at least 60 days in advance of the certificate end date.
I took all my paperwork to the AME as required for the Sleep Apnea SI. The AME issued my medical certificate on the spot for my 3rd class. This year is the off year, and I submit my paperwork with the attestation directly to the FAA who then issues me the certificate good for the next year. Been doing this for 10 years, never had a problem, although in the off year, I do send the paper work in at least 60 days in advance of the certificate end date.
Got it, makes sense, thank you.
I took all my paperwork to the AME as required for the Sleep Apnea SI. The AME issued my medical certificate on the spot for my 3rd class. This year is the off year, and I submit my paperwork with the attestation directly to the FAA who then issues me the certificate good for the next year. Been doing this for 10 years, never had a problem, although in the off year, I do send the paper work in at least 60 days in advance of the certificate end date.

Interesting. I have a OSA SI and I have never had to send anything directly to the FAA. Is that because you have a 3rd Class?
Interesting. I have a OSA SI and I have never had to send anything directly to the FAA. Is that because you have a 3rd Class?

Yes. I also choose on the off year that does not require the AME exam, to supply the requested info myself directly to the FAA versus going through and paying my AME.

If you are on basic med, there is no need for the SI. If you have a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class medical requiring the SI, I am surprised your SI instructions don’t require you to send a yearly update of compliance to the FAA. My 3rd class is only good for 1 year, so I have to send in the info either directly in the off year or via the AME in the year I get the exam.
Yes. I also choose on the off year that does not require the AME exam, to supply the requested info myself directly to the FAA versus going through and paying my AME.

If you are on basic med, there is no need for the SI. If you have a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class medical requiring the SI, I am surprised your SI instructions don’t require you to send a yearly update of compliance to the FAA. My 3rd class is only good for 1 year, so I have to send in the info either directly in the off year or via the AME in the year I get the exam.

My SI instructions do require annual submittal of compliance, but since I have to maintain a 2nd class, I just provide the documentation to the AME every year.
Normally you will want the documentation sent directly from the healthcare provider to your AME. I would start on it early as it can take months for them to locate and send your documents along (we are talking large bureaucracies at hospitals in many cases).
If you are in a situation that requires an SI, you need to own your medical care better than trusting a large hospital to be the keeper and provider of information. Find a primary doctor that is your source and manages the information rather than abdicates that responsibility to the affiliated facility. Not hard to find such a doctor and a critical step in a case like this. It sounds like the OP has this relationship with the right type.
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