Question about past, now-discontinued concurrent use of two SSRIs


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 23, 2022
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The FAA website is a bit confusing on this topic:

Within the last 2 years, I was prescribed Sertraline and Bupropion (Wellbutrin) concurrently. I have now been off those medications for over 6 months.

The website seems to suggest concurrent use of two SSRIs is a denial, but I am unclear if it is a denial for those still taking two SSRIs concurrently, or if it applies to anyone who ever in the past took two SSRIs concurrently.

I understand that Bupropion is not one of the approved SSRIs, but in my case I am talking about past and now-discontinued use of two SSRIs concurrently.

Thanks for any help!

P.S. I am aware of the hoops I'll have to jump through because of my past SSRI use. I am only asking specifically about the 'concurrent' issue.
You have a medical today? Are you looking to fly as a career?

@bbchien is the one to provide direction here.

I know Bupropion is an issue due to increased seizure risk (at least partially) and it isn’t an SSRI.

But Dr Bruce helped me navigate something similar a while back. He’s the guy.
Sounds like you’ve already researched but Sport Pilot is worth considering if this is a passion and not a career path.

No FAA medical required (provided you’ve never been denied).
Thanks Terry.

I'm actually going straight for my 1st class. Done lots of research, the "concurrency" thing is the only thing I'm unclear about in terms of whether that's a possible reason for full denial or not, or just a reason for the FAA to require further tests, etc.

I presume (perhaps incorrectly) that since the Bupropion was prescribed for a mental health diagnosis, it would apply under their definition of concurrent use.
If you have had one and only one episode in your life you have a pathway…..

Hey, thanks for the reply.

Not sure what the definition of episodes would be, but I was on Sertraline with one doctor who left his practice and I let the refills expire before seeking out another doctor about a year later, and that's where I was prescribed Sertraline and Wellbutrin. Guessing the FAA will, by default, see that as two episodes, even though both times were for the same situations.

What if they do consider it 2 episodes?
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