Quest about medical lapsing


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 14, 2021
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Got my 3rd class medical a few years back when I started flight training. Life happeneded and flight training was put on hold. Looking to get back at it now that work and life have settled down. My question is my medical lapsed. Will this cause an issue with me getting an updated one? Thanks
Assuming you were under 40 when you got it. It was good for 5 years. You might need to get duplicate if you no longer have the paper. Otherwise as long as you don’t have any new issues it is same process to get it as the last time. If you only need a 3rd class an alternative method of compliance is the Basic Med program (research on the AOPA web site), as long it hasn’t been to long since you had a valid medical. Check the requirements. Advantage of basic med is your regular doctor can do the exam and is not required to report anything to the FAA, if there is an issue. They simply don’t provide the certification that you meet the requirements.

I am under 40, it has probably been about year or 2 since it expired. Will a flight school except Basic med or is that geared for people that already have their ppl?
Basic Med should meet your needs as a student pilot. There is no reason you need to get a new FAA 3rd class medical at this point. If at any time the limitations of Basic Med interfere with your flying, you can always go for the FAA certificate then. Read on the AOPA web site--I would use this link:

A flight can can impose whatever requirements they like, but I cannot understand why I flight school would not accept Basic Med if the FAA allows it for your training, check ride and subsequent flying. They even allow it for your instructor!

4 Corner, it maybe about insurance. That might be a very good reason that you and I don’t know about.....
We've checked around here and nobody cares if you have a medical or basic med. A flight school might tell you you need a medical solely because they figure you don't have a prior one to qualify for basic med. The ASF did a lot of scouring around looking for either insurers or other places that wouldn't honor basic med and found them pretty rare.

Anyhow, to answer the original question, provided nothing has cropped up in the intervening time, a lapsed medical doesn't have any effect on getting a new one. I've had lapses from a month to ten years.
I am under 40, it has probably been about year or 2 since it expired. Will a flight school except Basic med or is that geared for people that already have their ppl?
Most will. I think it will be unusual (but not unheard of) to find one which doesn't. Heck, most of the CFIs in one place I know are BasicMed :D.
Thanks for the input. Going to start shopping around for instructors and see if they take basic or have to get 3rd class.
You may need to also get another Student Pilot Certificate. In ‘06, it was attached to the 3rd class Medical. It now is a separate document akin to the Pilot Certificate.
Like a Pilot Certificate, the Student Certificate has no expiration date, though the Medical does expire. It will require the efforts of a CFI to attain a new Student Cert. if needed. Your CFI will know.
Of course you’ll need your log book, too.
Good luck and welcome back!
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Only student pilot certificates issued after April 1 2016 do not expire. There are a few still pending expiration this April.
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