Since college, I quit cigarettes cold turkey once for a year, then started again for a few more years, and then quit cold turkey again for good. But, after a couple years , I started back smoking cigars. For me, smoking has been, and is, an extremely difficult, and nasty, habit to break.
About nine years ago, I finally found a solution that honestly works for me. That's when I discovered vaping. These days, there's a ton of misinformation being spread about vaping. We can only hope that eventually the rattling idiots and the haters will get themselves educated on the subject.
I use a base liquid made from vegetable glycerin, with a little menthol for flavoring. NO Nicotine. Contrary to popular idiocy, not all vaping involves the use of nicotine. And, by the way, I never heard of the Juul vape pen that the media keeps referring to, that is, until the media made it so popular. Honestly, I see the Juul as a waste, and I think it's a piece of crap.
Yes, these days, for me, cigarette and cigar smoke is foul and nasty. Even chokes me sometimes, but I don't condemn the smokers, nor do I push for some additional stupid regulation. Those who think smoking and vaping are the same, and that smoking and vaping need to be treated as such, are highly misinformed. Lots of folks too, spewing, like it was fact, that vaping is just as harmful as smoking. There's so many combinations that can be vaped, that you can't simply throw a blanket on it and call it all evil. There's a difference between ignorance, and stupidity.
By the way, since I started vaping, I have the ability to put it down anytime I need to. It's a controllable mental addiction now, not a chemical addiction. I never want to ever smoke another cigarette, because I know if I did, it'd start all over again for me. Please leave my vaping alone.
By the way, I can be vaping right beside you, and with the juice that I use, you wouldn't realize I was vaping, unless you saw my vapor. Practically no odor. Oh, and, unlike the way it was when I smoked, my nose works quite well, thank you.