Tom, I personally would not replace prop boots without additional training but...
I am wondering what part of FAR43 makes replacing a boot a major repair?
Replacement of the prop boots is not some thing that can be done by any A&P, unless they work in a CRS/for props.
It is normal maintenance, not a modification. so no 337.
65.81 General privileges and limitations.
(a) A certificated mechanic may perform or supervise the maintenance, preventive maintenance or alteration of an aircraft or appliance, or a part thereof, for which he is rated (
but excluding major repairs to, and major alterations of, propellers, and any repair to, or alteration of, instruments), and may perform additional duties in accordance with §§ 65.85, 65.87, and 65.95.
all maintenance to propellers other than the ICAs are a major repair to be completed in the CRS.
From AC 20-37E
a. Sources of Propeller Repair Information. Airworthiness Directives (AD), type certificate (TC) data sheets, manufacturers’ manuals, service letters, and bulletins specify methods and limits for propeller maintenance, inspection, repair, and removal from service. When a manufacturer’s data specifies that major repairs are permitted to a specific model blade or other propeller component, only an appropriately rated repair facility may accomplish those repairs. An FAA-certificated mechanic with at least a powerplant rating can accomplish all other propeller
maintenance and minor repair by using the practices and techniques specified by this advisory circular (AC) and in the propeller manufacturer’s service data.
Some maintenance and minor repairs in this category are the removal of minor nicks, scratches, small areas of surface corrosion, painting, and minor deicer boot repairs. Because of the complexity of propeller damage and because damage tends to be hidden or not obvious to untrained maintenance personnel, we recommend that propeller damage be referred to experienced repair personnel whenever doubt exists regarding a condition that has been observed. We further recommend that owners/operators follow the manufacturer’s maintenance and overhaul program.