The Trutrak (AC 100) is designed that way. Any pressure one way of the other and it will tell you to trim after about 8 seconds. Don’t ignore the trim, but don’t chase it either. When I fly, if it says to trim down, I periodically will see how much pressure it takes for the annunciation to go away. Often it is just the slop in the controls, in which case I leave it alone. If it takes a little pressure to go away, hen I trim a little bit and bump the yoke again. In cruise, this is every half an hour or so. In climb or descent, I do it more often. You don’t have to trim any more than you normally would. You can know exactly how much trim it will require when you disengage when you do this, which should be none. If you run the trim until the annunciation goes away, you will almost always have gone way too far. Do I like this design, maybe not, but does it keep me in better trim than another system that only annunciator over a certain pressure, probably so. It is not a problem with the auto pilot. It is a feature.