Private Messages?


Pattern Altitude
Mar 22, 2020
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Can anyone else use their private message function today? I have tried three different browsers on three different devices, and none of them allow me to "find" other members. When I type in the username into the recipient bar, nothing comes up and when I try to hit send with a properly typed username in the recipient bar, it comes up with "The following recipients cannot be found:" with the username I typed.

Is this happening to anyone else or have I somehow been banned from sending private messages for some reason? I have checked all my settings, and nothing seems to be an issue there.
seemed to work for me (PM sent..... I think)
Can anyone else use their private message function today? I have tried three different browsers on three different devices, and none of them allow me to "find" other members. When I type in the username into the recipient bar, nothing comes up and when I try to hit send with a properly typed username in the recipient bar, it comes up with "The following recipients cannot be found:" with the username I typed.

Is this happening to anyone else or have I somehow been banned from sending private messages for some reason? I have checked all my settings, and nothing seems to be an issue there.

Just sent you one. See if it comes through.
Just sent you one. See if it comes through.
It did. It seems that I can't create new conversations with anyone, but I can reply to existing ones just fine.
It did. It seems that I can't create new conversations with anyone, but I can reply to existing ones just fine.

one wild guess: your attempts at finding a member only return names that have disabled conversations (and thus won't be displayed)?
one wild guess: your attempts at finding a member only return names that have disabled conversations (and thus won't be displayed)?
No, I tried messaging known entities as well, and I couldn't send to them, either. I don't know what is up, but it's weird. Maybe it will just go away on it's own? :crazy:
She could even reply to a test message from me, but she couldn't initiate a PM. Strange......
Thanks to all of you who tried to help me troubleshoot this. I don't know what changed, but they're working again. :)
or one of the POA admins saw an oops and fixed it without fanfare.
I don't care how much she complains - no returns.
Don't worry, I was probably complaining that he's too nice to me and that makes me feel bad about how grumpy I get sometimes. :biggrin:
I mean, I wouldn't put it past myself to screw something up nine times in a row without realizing it, but I don't think so? :goofy:
Perhaps every new member should message you now to make sure you can message them...
A police officer attempts to stop a car for speeding and the guy gradually increases his speed until he's topping 100 mph. The man eventually realizes he can't escape and finally pulls over. The cop approaches the car and says, "It's been a long day and my shift is almost over, so if you can give me a good excuse for your behavior, I'll let you go." The guy thinks for a few seconds and then says, "My wife ran away with a cop about a year ago. I thought you might be that same officer trying to give her back!"
They are not private. Better to think of them as direct.