What specific engine? While I'm not 100% sure, not all pressure mags use filters with some using a check valve instead. The Lycomings I'm familiar with all used a check valve which had a repetitive mx check.How often do you replace pressurized magneto air filters? (Seneca with Bendix mags)
Tsio360. Currently has the clear Ram filter. Changed in 2021 and looks perfectly clean but don’t know how long it’s good forWhat specific engine? While I'm not 100% sure, not all pressure mags use filters with some using a check valve instead. The Lycomings I'm familiar with all used a check valve which had a repetitive mx check.
So its 'replace on condition'. Thanks.From M-0
10-5.5. Magneto Filter Replacement Pressurized magnetos incorporate a desiccant filter to trap moisture that could cause arcing at higher altitudes. Serviceable desiccant material in the filters is white in color; replace the filter when the desiccant material turns dark. If the filter requires replacement, inspect the internal magneto components for moisture and corrosion.