Preparing for SI.


Filing Flight Plan
Mar 24, 2022
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I have several items that are going to elicit scrutiny but none seem like hard stops.

1) seasonal affective disorder. this was actually self diagnosed but after reporting at a recent pcp visit is in my record. I have taken bupropion for two years for this (in winter) . There’s never been a related exam/work up/management. I’m a provider/prescriber and essentially asked a colleague to rx it. Best I can do is have my pcp document that I’m currently fine and not taking it.

2) cervical cancer in 2014. Treated with radical hysterectomy. Uncomplicated. Clear margins no lymph involvement only issues since are secondary to the hyst (pelvic floor disorders often managed with pt)

3)migraine without aura. Uncomplicated. Unremarkable. Historically managed with otc meds. I did mention them to pcp recently and told her I had 2-3/mo (this is not my norm, hence why I mentioned it, and is likely related to other items that are coming) she put me on propanolol and I haven’t had one since. So this is my big question. I know faa wants no more than one a month and is ok with bb prophylaxis (I spoke with AOPA about this and he said stop propanolol because you can’t use meds off label. Which goes against the fdas approval of it for this as well as faas own guidelines for ames)
How long will they want me to be on prophylaxis/verify it’s working?

4) finally, the pcp visit led to an incidental finding of elevated ferritin. I’m being worked up for hemachromatosis to which there are guidelines. How long after diagnosis and treatment before i can just give them stuff saying I’m good or whatever on this front and they’re happy?

Thanks for any tips!
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