Like Toby mentioned previously, the scoring at Gaston's will be based on a very complex set of criteria.
Environmental conditions, such as windage, sun angle, grass height, and cow pies on the runway will all be factored in.
Tactical approaches will score higher than airliner approaches.
Dead stick with the prop stopped on downwind get automatic bonus points.
Dead stick with the prop stopped on downwind and you actually make the runway will get double bonus points.
Dead stick with the prop stopped on downwind, you make the runway, and the airplane is capable of a normal takeoff after it comes to rest will get triple bonus points.
Various other factors and criteria will come in to play at the whim of the scorers.
The actual scoring algorithm employed is vastly too complicated to explain in mere layman's terms and will therefore be completely indistinquishable from being totally arbitrary.
Inducements for higher scores offered the diverse judging committee will simply not be tolerated unless they involve flight time, food, beverages, or cash.
All scores are final and may not be revised for any reason except as determined by the lead scorer, who may opt to revise the score up or down depending on the joie de vivre and/or savoir-faire exhibited by the scoree.