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sere said:The F-15 will still eat the 29's lunch. And is some situations the F-16 will too.
NickDBrennan said:wow. Forget the Beech Sierra - I want one of those!!!
'bout the same as my response in a trip around the pattern at BJC a few years ago when tower advised "Caution MIG-19 on downwind." after 8 years of performing intercept control...solid shot of adrenaline and elevated pulse rate...Straxus said:... I'd love to hear the ATC response to:
Mig-29er 4592 Delta, 7 miles from northwest, inbound for landing...
Straxus said:I've heard the Mig-29 isn't too far behind the F-15/16, but the real deciding factor is the strength of USAF training. Of course, the fact that F-15/16s continue to receive upgraded avionics packages helps keep American birds well in front.
Then there's the F-22 Raptor, which can easily best four F-15s at a time, let alone anything else, anywhere in the world.
Frank Browne said:Me too! However my dream warbird besides a WWII fighter, would be a T/A-4 Skyhawk. I love that scooter as much as any jet.