
No dice, when I open it with the PowerPoint viewer I cannot save it as anything that I recognize as being either .ppt or .pps
There are a bunch of options but they are all 'textual', not in the form of period, three letters.

To zip it, I would have to buy and download the utility, then compress, then hope each person who clicks on it has a similar program and is motivated enough to use it, unzipping and then viewing. They are both under the 10mB file size limit so I'm hoping for an easier solution.
Dave, I have sent you my email addy in a PM. Send me the file (if it is currently a *.ppt) and I will convert it for you.

Don't post a powerpoint if you want everyone to be able to see it. Convert to a .pdf.
Personally I'm amazed that we allow any virus-riddled Microsoft attachment ;)

.pdf works well, you can also upload your powerpoint to a free service that hosts a presentation, and then link to it here (such as Google Docs, Slideshare, etc.)

There are numerous free .pdf converters out there on the web.
No dice, when I open it with the PowerPoint viewer I cannot save it as anything that I recognize as being either .ppt or .pps
There are a bunch of options but they are all 'textual', not in the form of period, three letters.

To zip it, I would have to buy and download the utility, then compress, then hope each person who clicks on it has a similar program and is motivated enough to use it, unzipping and then viewing. They are both under the 10mB file size limit so I'm hoping for an easier solution.
You need to be using power point not the viewer and then when you do a 'save as' look at file type and select either the .pps or 'powerpoint show' depending on which version of power point you are using.
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