Post Checkride Sticker Shock - your mileage may vary

Busy airport will cost some extra $$$. My CFI and I estimated I spent about 10 hours of total time just dealing with airport delays. For some folks mitigation may be possible by figuring out the busy times and avoiding those. If you're stuck with weekend training then chances are you're going to just have to suck it up. Spending 20 minutes in the run-up area just waiting your turn really, really sucks...

Yep - I was on an aggressive time schedule and trying to fly 3-4 times a week. With the weather cancellations, I never wanted to miss a chance to go up. Weekdays at 5PM right after work and early AM on weekends were my preferred times. Those weekday evenings always seemed to be super busy. My guess is also at least 5 extra hours due to the delays.

On the + side, I felt that having your normal 'flow' interrupted for when you go through the landing procedures - flaps, power, etc does give you some additional experience in dealing with 'nonstandard' approaches. Last minute instructions by the tower to change your pattern entry, or make any other adjustments won't induce panic since it's not so uncommon.
Nevermind what it cost, you gots a plane license. Enjoy it.
Congrats! You should look at flight schools at RHV instead of overpriced PAO! Rentals are $20-30/hr less expensive and top notch instructors only charge $50/hr versus the much higher rates on the peninsular.
Nevermind what it cost, you gots a plane license. Enjoy it.

Oh my God, I think I'm going to faint. I actually agree with you for once, Greg!!!:lol:

And to the OP: I, too, am a sport pilot. I thought I had the most expensive SP license (about $15,000) until I saw your post. I think it's disingenuous of FBOs to say that a sport pilot license will cost less, because in many cases the LSAs are complex planes that are not easiily mastered. So yes, the FAA regulations require fewer hours, but in reality, the planes themselves take more.

Anyway, congratulations, and enjoy your certificate!!
Busy airport will cost some extra $$$. My CFI and I estimated I spent about 10 hours of total time just dealing with airport delays. For some folks mitigation may be possible by figuring out the busy times and avoiding those. If you're stuck with weekend training then chances are you're going to just have to suck it up. Spending 20 minutes in the run-up area just waiting your turn really, really sucks...

That was one thing with Long Beach, they had a lot of traffic, especially back then, but with 3 runways always in operation, the traffic was always moving, not a whole bunch of delay involved.
I think I paid $6,000 when it was all said and done back in 2007.
Thanks to everyone for the feedback! It's great to hear from everyone.

First off I made stupid mistake and the ground was actually the same price
as the flight instruction. $84/hr Still not cheap though.

A couple of guys I work with (at an aerospace startup) who are way smarter than
me took 80 and 100 hours to get their PPL but a third guy did his in 50.
Go figure.

I originally chose this particular club because they had 2 Skycatchers which
I equated to higher availability which was pretty much true. A club
just around the corner has a single Skycatcher they rent for $102/hr wet.
It's amazing there is such a huge difference in price.

I am starting to believe that I probably over-trained. I was probably
performing maneuvers at commercial level which was more than

It's all water under the bridge at this point though. I am very excited about
finally finishing up. I am going to switch to the club with the cheaper
162 and will continue having fun flying!

I am almost done with my training, and I am a little scared to total it all up. With that said I am coming in around $9000 to $10000, and will be taking my check ride at about 55 total hours.
As others have said, I totaled my cost to get my private at 6k back in 99 and have refused to calculate costs since then. It would just upset me.
Congratulations! On the other hand, I can't imagine paying that much. I've paid half of that for both my private and instrument, and that includes a good amount of time building in between. The difference is most likely because I live in the Midwest, where the flying is dirt cheap compared to the coasts. If you ever consider adding new ratings, I would recommend spending your vacation time at a Midwest flight school over the summer months. It would be a lot cheaper! Enjoy being a pilot!
First, congrats!

$114/hr for ground instruction falls into the no-way-no-how category. For an insane number of hours on top of that. I got my private (and commercial, and instrument) with self study and the bare number of required ground instruction hours. Between all of the available books, DVDs and on-line programs, I just don't see how anyone can add $114/hr worth of value to ground instruction at a primary level, even in the SF Bay area. Good gig if you can get it, I guess.
If you ever consider adding new ratings, I would recommend spending your vacation time at a Midwest flight school over the summer months.

That's a really good idea. Would get you exposure to other weather systems/factors too. The difference in cost would probably pay for your travel costs.
No one will ever post a big number cost ever again. Never. Whadya all pay for your last gallon of milk?:lol:
I got my PPL in 2011 for about 5k all in. $75/hr wet C152 and $30/hr for instructor
I got my PPL in 2011 for about 5k all in. $75/hr wet C152 and $30/hr for instructor

That was my rate in 2007 for the C152. CFI started at $30 and ended at $35. Mine didn't charge for ground or pre-post flight discussion which was pretty remarkable. I did have a single "ground" session/rehash that was charged at the regular rate just prior to the written.