Post appendage

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Display name:
Greg Bockelman
Auto Merge?

Why is it that when I am replying to multiple posts in a thread individually, they auto merge to my original reply? I cannot reply to multiple individuals without it ending up as one long post.

See my last post in Hangar Talk entitled "One less reason to fly United" or something like that.
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It is just one of those annoying features of the software. Maybe the mods can hack it out.
Its probably there to prevent people from misusing the board through multiple posts.
Let'sgoflying! said:
It is just one of those annoying features of the software. Maybe the mods can hack it out.
Its probably there to prevent people from misusing the board through multiple posts.

sort of - its the opposite. It is an annoying hack that was put into the software. There was some discussion about it going away.

Looks like that discussion has ended, and it remains.
<-- see my other post in this forum. Going to turn it off now.

Strike that - can't just 'turn it off' - it was a code change. One of these days I need to update to 3.5.2 and I won't be re-incorporating the hack.
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