I see how it could come in handy down the road. Just feels odd. It's like playing dress up mentally. Let's pretend that this 172 is a 727. Feels odd mentally. Same way that one school I looked into required students to wear a uniform with two stripes. I'm not a commercial student after all so why have the silly mentality of "I am a captain" or whatever when we could focus on other things such as why I am drifting off heading vs. whether I did call-outs and tapped the brakes?
I neglected to mention how I turn into a GPWS in the pattern. Another thing I don't get. It's a bit much to call 100,50,40,30,20,10 while trying to learn to land. Watch any student try handling radios for the first time and you'll see why 1000ft and 125 degrees turns into 1400 and 300, I know that I did worse.