Positive exchange on guard.


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Aug 12, 2012
Danger Zone
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So I only heard one side of this but I was monitoring guard this morning somewhere around 50nm NW of the Atlanta area and I heard some commotion. Don’t know the details but apparently a pilot somewhere was in trouble. Couldn’t hear him but I heard plenty of others.

“You got this”

“Keep flying the airplane”

“Good luck buddy”

And other help/encouragement. The kitties and the hawks stayed quiet for the duration.

I wonder if anyone happens to know the incident and if he is ok. Like I said I was only able to monitor part of it, not even sure where but I was hearing the responses from NW of Atlanta.
Only 2 7700's today; doesn't look like either one of those...

For all I know the pilot had no transponder and may never have declared. Looking at my track logs and going off memory I think it would have been around 10am EDT. +/- 30min.