Port Aransas, TX (KRAS) Fly-In Saturday, 10/24/15

Jay Honeck

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 6, 2008
Ingleside, TX
Display Name

Display name:
Jay Honeck

The controllers will be raffling off 2 free night certificates to our hotel, Amelia's Landing, as well as other cool prizes.

This is also the weekend of the Harvest Moon Regatta in Port A -- the biggest sailboat race in the Gulf of Mexico. (That event is sponsored by Bacardi rum, and they traditionally have an OPEN BAR at the event!)

Come on down!
Ok, who's coming with me? I've got us a place to stay already. :)
Hmmm... I think I might go as well.
Jay, FWIW, next time you might want to use a picture that's not on Fecesbook. Some devices might not show it. (some providers block Fecesbook, such as our work or my evil iPad spamblocker :) )
Sorry, I was on my last surviving PC. The Web version of POA is a POS for uploading photos.

Thank God for Tapatalk. Here's the poster.
