Poll - intersection takeoffs and landing long

Poll - intersection takeoffs and landing long

  • I would be comfortable with either scenario.

    Votes: 30 62.5%
  • I am fine with landing long but would use the full length to takeoff.

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • I am fine with the intersection takeoff but would use the full length to land.

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • I would want the full length for both takeoff and landing.

    Votes: 6 12.5%

  • Total voters
I have no problem landing long or doing intersection takeoffs (depending on the intersection/runway remaining...etc), but the part I quoted is what gives me pause about attempting a long landing there.

Trying to keep up the traffic flow and get slow enough to ensure that you get it down and stopped on a self imposed shorter runway is asking for trouble IMO.

My particular experience has been that in such a situation described (busy, towered airport), the tower will not approve a request for a long landing if you specifically ask for it.

I always ask and have never been refused.

The reason I mention "do not linger" is to forestall someone saying they land on the numbers and fast taxi the length of the runway (probably more applicable in a taildragger). Simple point being that they want you to land, long or not, and exit next practicable intersection.
I have no problem landing long at (almost) any airport. But I'm sure there's an exception out there.

I have no problem with intersection departures at *some* airports. KCGI (Cape Girardeau, MO) and KSGF (Springfield, MO) are two. They are both surrounded by nothing but flat farm fields. An engine failure would likely be a non-event. OTOH, I would NEVER contemplate an intersection departure at Branson's new airport. It's surrounded by nothing but hills and trees. I want ALL of that runway in front of me.

In other words, just like with so many other things in aviation, it depends.
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Sacrificing certain pavement for uncertain instructions seems odd to me.

It also comes down to being consistent as well as sensible.

Real world example:
I did a checkout once that the 11,000ft runway meant going to the very end of the end for takeoff and landing on the approach end numbers. (Just for the record it was a 40deg flaps 180HP STOL CE172 that can lift off about the time it starts rolling then land on a quarter and give you $3 in change)
All good and well for the takeoff because you have 2 miles of pavement out front to land on if the engine quits or whatever.
The landing though: What about an engine out on the 2 mile final ATC put you on which would put you down into the field short of the runway? Landing long would have been a mile further along and likely put you on the runway when the glide slope became steeper...but landing long would have been defined as unreasonably risky behavior.
Now the 11,000ft rwy was ok for takeoff and whatever for landings from the end - THEN we went over and did touch and go's on a 4500ft runway. A midfield takeoff from the 11,000ft runway with about 5500ft of pavement ahead would have been excessively risky even though the takeoff part of the run would have been longer than the touch and go runway's maximum length.
IOW 5,500 is completely unacceptable yet 2,500ft is totally acceptable. That doesn't sound right to me, Does that sound right to you? And if it does, can you explain rationally to dummy me why 2500 is more than long enough and 5500 is too short if, say, the engine quits at 150 AGL?

Unless everyone uses the big flat multi square miles open lakebeds as runways all the time, you're always risking not being on the pavement under some kind of conditions..and I'd bet there are pilots who would run off those and crash their brains out as well.

Any way it goes, just fly your own flight. Do what you feel most comfortable with. Don't worry or get irritated about what others do. Just don't crash yourself in the process.
Since I fly general aviation only, I see it as counter productive to land at any control towered airports, so I don't. Also since I only fly out of GA airports, most of their runways are 3000' or less so intersection take-offs are not available.

If the FBO is at the end of the landing runway, and I don't want to wear out the tires I fly down the runway at just a few knots above stall and within 2' of the runway and then just pull the power and turn off.
Since I fly general aviation only, I see it as counter productive to land at any control towered airports, so I don't. Also since I only fly out of GA airports, most of their runways are 3000' or less so intersection take-offs are not available.

If the FBO is at the end of the landing runway, and I don't want to wear out the tires I fly down the runway at just a few knots above stall and within 2' of the runway and then just pull the power and turn off.

Down here in South Florida, many of the airports that cater to general aviation have towers.

Landing long is landing long, IMO. Doesn't matter how high.
Just out of curiousity....did you ever request full length on 26R in the Champ at SDM?
I'm not sure, but it's possible... more than once during the training, we did multiple touch-and-gos immediately after takeoff. Definitely did it on 26L; not sure if we did it full-length on 26R.
I'm not sure, but it's possible... more than once during the training, we did multiple touch-and-gos immediately after takeoff. Definitely did it on 26L; not sure if we did it full-length on 26R.
I think the most I ever did was 3 landings and 3 takeoffs on 26R in one run. At Champ speeds, that runway goes on forever!
Uggg. People.

What's the difference between flying a foot off the runway and landing long? Seriously.

And to you blanket statement posters: if your statement is true that you "Never do intersection departures" then logic would follow that you would turn down the 9R A2 intersection with 8,900 availiable and instead take the full length 9L with 4,200 feet.

Oh no, I'd take he full length of 9R! you say..

No, thats not available. 8,900 feet intersection or 4,200 feet full length or go back to the FBO, that's your choices. Go ahead and make your blanket statements now and launch off you 4,200 foot runway. Ive seen guys do this and they are stupid. Don't be stupid.
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I think the most I ever did was 3 landings and 3 takeoffs on 26R in one run. At Champ speeds, that runway goes on forever!

Yes, and it's very handy for beginners. I can't recall the maximum number I did one either runway, but there were quite a few on any given day during my add-on training.
Looking at the ol' logbook, I see, on the day I would later do my first solo in 70E, we did 25 landings (20 of them wheelies) in just over two hours there. At some point that day we had a B25 behind us doing its runups near the hold-short when we took the runway, so that must have been the very end of 26R... which means we must have done some crow-hopping on that full runway that time. Not sure if we alternated; it might have been 26R for the entire lesson.
"I am fine with the intersection takeoff but would use the full length to land."

Didn't really expect anyone to pick that one; only included it for completeness. Can someone explain the rationale for being willing to take-off short but not land short? Doesn't matter if you chose that one if you can provide the possible rationale.
You suck at landings more than takeoffs?
In general, I believe in the Three Most Useless Things in Flying, including "runway behind me." Nevertheless, when conditions are right, I'll take an intersection takeoff or make a long landing for convenience. But each one is weighed carefully based on current conditions and what I'm flying and my current level of proficiency in type.

This ^^^^^

Do you take off downwind ?

Under the right circumstances (see above), yes.