PoA Weight loss support.


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Oct 20, 2010
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So one of my posts was about needing podcast for a 5k I want to do in the spring. I've been going to the gym consistently for the last 2 weeks. I have a trainer that kicks my butt. I'm sitting here and never felt more alive. Feels so good to be getting into shape and I just wanted to share. :) My husband hasn't quite got onboard with losing weight so maybe we can support/post when we feel good about getting our W&B more aft(?)
Congratulations! I need to get into better shape. My wife is a fitness instructor as well.

That's the point of this thread. To encourage everyone to get in shape this winter! :)
Keep up the good work. I followed my wife down the weight loss route. I've lost 40 lbs and want to do another 20 lbs but things stopped. I don't know if it's the weight loss or the exercise but I can't believe how much better I feel. My back problems haven't been back.

With the help of my wife I have realized that I need to get my self in better shape as I get even older. Also, I sure fit a lot better in the front of the Malibu.
Mrs. Steingar has lost 10 lbs and looks great. I guess getting really sick isn't all bad.
Didn't know Mrs. Steingar was sick. Is she OK?
My wife is a running coach (with some private and not-so-private gigs in the Cleveland / Akron area). She pushed me to run my first half marathon earlier this year (at Cleveland). It was horribly hot and miserable - unusually so for this early marathon - and I effectively quit running after that to make time to finish up my flight training.

Now I'm not really training and am thinking about getting back into it, but man am I scared. It is an awful lot of work to get started! Nice thing is, after helping out in all of my wife's 5k clinics, I know that even starting from nothing you can be running 3 miles in 9 weeks, and even start longer race training at that point if you want.
My weight loss doc says I appear to be a man with a lot of will-power, since he can't find any evidence that I've used any of it yet.
My weight loss doc says I appear to be a man with a lot of will-power, since he can't find any evidence that I've used any of it yet.

I have will-power, too. I WILL eat that ice cream, I WILL have that trail mix, I WILL have those M&Ms. And somehow I manage to find the power to eat them... :D

(Well, that was then... I actually have lost a lot of weight & 4 inches off my waist since the start of the year....)
I've been considering joining a gym for awhile now. I always manage to procrastinate and not get it done, though.
My wife is a spin instructor and used to compete in triathlon's fairly often, she makes me feel bad about my fitness level, but not bad enough yet to actually exercise..which tells you how much I enjoy exercise I guess.
The Sac Arrow's gym routine is one hour of cardio on a stationary bike or elliptical machine, followed by 30 to 45 minutes of weights, seven days a week, rain or shine. On the weekend the Sac Arrow usually rides from 40 to 100 miles over the course of two days.

Exercise is half the equation. Diet is the other. The Sac Arrow is a low carb person. Reducing the carb intake if yours is high is key in weight loss. You don't have to totally go on an Adkins diet and send your body in to ketosis, you just need to keep the protein/carb ratio high.

Anyway keep it up. The Sac Arrow supports you.
I was having trouble losing weight, then I discovered this little knob on the scale....... :rolleyes:

Seriously. if you have fallen into the sway of the dark force it is tough to escape. But if you stay focused on the little things, (portion size, getting a little more exercise every week, making good choices in your meals, etc.), the pay off will come.
People are born with a finite number of heartbeats. The number of them a person chooses to waste on exercise is up to the individual.
People are born with a finite number of heartbeats. The number of them a person chooses to waste on exercise is up to the individual.
Sadly, I've met people that think that is how it works.
Since I rarely weigh myself and never remember how much I weighed last time, there's no hard evidence that i've been gaining weight. So I've come up with lots of creative explanations for why clothes don't fit so well anymore.

Then i had to look at my medical certification for some reason and noticed it showed what i weighed back then. I've gained ~30 pounds in 3 years. Oops...

I think maybe I'll be trying the 5K thing too.
I will support anyone who would like to lose weight...those that think it's dumb and/or think you only have so many heartbeats can quit reading this thread. I'm going to the gym tonight so I don't disappoint myself and/or my pilot friends. :)
Yep, lose 20 pounds and get in shape so you can live 10 more years--peeing in your pants at the nursing home.;)

I will support anyone who would like to lose weight...those that think it's dumb and/or think you only have so many heartbeats can quit reading this thread. I'm going to the gym tonight so I don't disappoint myself and/or my pilot friends. :)
Yep, lose 20 pounds and get in shape so you can live 10 more years--peeing in your pants at the nursing home.;)
A lot more then that. My grandpa died in his mid 60s from being over-weight and out of shape.

My great great uncle made it about a hundred years -- fully functional until the very end..building model airplanes, flying them, and in general building amazing things with his hands at his farm. He really got a lot out of life.

The difference? He took care of himself.
I believe in portion control. I'm not going to go Vegan or anything crazy. I go to the gym and workout - it helps with relieving stress for me. Sort of like flying. Can't deal with my issues from work while I'm sweating and whatnot (or while I'm trying to manage an airplane) so it's good for my mental health if nothing else. If I get my waist line down and the scale goes down all the better.

I'm just trying to take care of myself and thought others may want support in their efforts but it's okay either way.
Better half is 61 years old. Recently completed the RKC & RKC II Kettlebell instructor cert courses. Not easy to do. He's in better shape now that he was 50 years ago. Me? Not so much. I make up lots of excuses, but I really need to get off my fat behind. I weigh 10 lbs more right now than the day I gave birth to twins 22 years ago. beyond pathetic.
So one of my posts was about needing podcast for a 5k I want to do in the spring. I've been going to the gym consistently for the last 2 weeks. I have a trainer that kicks my butt. I'm sitting here and never felt more alive. Feels so good to be getting into shape and I just wanted to share. :) My husband hasn't quite got onboard with losing weight so maybe we can support/post when we feel good about getting our W&B more aft(?)

If you apply the same perseverance toward weight loss that you applied toward getting your pilot certificate, I imagine there wont be anything left of you by next spring. :wink2:

I've dropped from about 175 lbs to 158 lbs in the last year. At 5'8", that moved my BMI from 26.6 to 24. A modest amount compared to others, but it does feel good. But though I seem to have plateaued, I'm looking to bring the weight down to 150 lbs. I was that weight up to about 20 years old; now that I'm 56 I'm looking to regain a bit of my youthful energy.

Keep it up - and remember weight reduction and maintenance often requires a change in life style.
My wife makes me soups from the DASH Diet cookbook, and other low sodium diet cookbooks.

I've dropped 20# and 25 points on my BP.
15# to go.

Keep up the good work!
IMHO everyone concerned with their health needs to watch the documentary: "Forks Over Knives". A simple movie could change your life and health forever.
Karen re-arranged stuff and stuck a TV and the DVD player from upstairs, down in the basement where her desk used to be.

Said with her computer in the Kitchen (yes... Kitchen where she wanted it), she wasn't going down there anymore so the workout area has been created!

Looking forward to doing P90X again. Gym is good too, but need to feel the burn a bit more right now. Karen wants to do it again too.

NOT looking forward to Ab Ripper X again though. Oof. Karen always laughs at my abs and their inability to keep up with hers. Ha. Mean.
IMHO everyone concerned with their health needs to watch the documentary: "Forks Over Knives". A simple movie could change your life and health forever.
I'm not watching any movie where I'd feel bad for eating. Supersize me was entertaining and I don't frequent McD's much anymore (their fries and hot fudge sundaes are delicious!) but the one where they show how chickens are housed...and their living conditions. I couldn't watch more then 10 minutes of it. I'm not going Vegan/Vegetarian I like to have the protein from meat.

I hope that my perservance I had for my PPL is intact for helping get my 30# off but hope it doesn't take two years (like the PPL did)
Now that the heat has broken I'll finally be able to shed the pounds again. I find the calorie counting (with an app), walking the dog everyday, plus a long weekend walk or kayaking session works for me.

Funny thing is that I've learned that I'm somewhat addicted to certain things. Eliminating "bad" foods (meats, sugary, and fried stuff) makes me emotionally fragile.

Anyone else noticed mood changes while changing your diet?
I don't frequent McD's much anymore (their fries and hot fudge sundaes are delicious!) but the one where they show how chickens are housed...

That's the justification I use to get Double Quarter Pounders with cheese!!

Seriously, fast food doesn't HAVE to be bad for you. Go for the salads, vinagrette dressings, just have one burger and toss the buns. Or get the big salad with chicken on it. Actually, I myself get ranch dressing and if it's lunch, I'll get one double quarter pounder w/ cheese, if it's dinner I'll get two (all with no buns of course.)

Yeah that's a lot of calories, but I do burn them off. That said, McD's isn't my favorite fast food. Carl's Jr. (Hardees East of the Rockies) is my favorite, and BK is a close second.
Funny thing is that I've learned that I'm somewhat addicted to certain things. Eliminating "bad" foods (meats, sugary, and fried stuff) makes me emotionally fragile.

Anyone else noticed mood changes while changing your diet?

When I first seriously started trying to lose weight, I quit drinking beer and cut out fried and sugary items, like pasta and white bread. I had a headaches for a week!:mad2: I cut out most of the caffeine as well, one Diet Coke per day, down from 3-4. It took me about 2 weeks to really get used to the change, but after that I felt good. :D
The hard part for me is keeping the weight off, I have added a few pounds since the spring and now it's time to get them back off, or buy bigger pants!:no: I threw away my old pants in a moment of pride. :rolleyes:
I find myself eating because I'm bored.:(

Anyone try hypnosis?

How can you be bored! We have "toys" everwhere you look. Hence the decline of pilots and kids playing sports. Get outside. Drink water. Learn to knit or crochet or golf. Idle hands idle minds? (is that the phrase) You have to want to change we can't do it for you. Which is why I wanted a support link. Right now I'm not really feeling like going to the gym and working out with "Rod" but if I don't I'll feel like crap and it'll still cost me the $40. But most importantly next Spring when someone that read this posts asks "So Sara did you lose the 30#?" I want to proudly say "Sure did that and then some because you guys are holding me accountable!" So in 30 minutes I'll leave this desk and quit pushing paper around and get my heart rate in the 160's for 30 minutes or so. I can't wait!
I find myself eating because I'm bored.:(

Anyone try hypnosis?


When it happens say:

To the drive thru I shall not cower
for I have the power.
willpower, Willpower, WILLPOWER!

(replace "drive thru" with fridge, kitchen, etc as needed)
So who is with me on losing weight this winter?!

Please merge with Halloween Candy thread. Just want to add my support.



Somebody please create a "kick a small puppy dog" smiley so Anthony can add it to his list.