Please fly my grandbaby From Wings to Houston


Line Up and Wait
Mar 13, 2008
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My Four Legged grandchild, one 2 yr old Corgy, may need transportation to Houston Texas. I mentioned over dinner, whilst eatin' licken licken fried chicken (someone's here's handle (I Love It)), I said we should ask our friends to fly the little thing out Houston.

For Planning purposes, If I flew her (4 legged Corgy) from Wings to, let's say Morgantown or Pittsburg (or somewhere around there), would someone else be willing to pick her up for a flight to hand-off to someone else. I'm thinkin' this would be the 3rd week of August.

Would She Make It To Houston????


Me..........KLOM (Wings)...... KPIT or KMGW

Thanks for considerin'
Well Shane ,If i had the tme and money i'd take her all the wayout ,But i cant get off for that long of a trip.
Dave G
While not necessarily a Rescue Flight, ARF may be able to help in this with their experience in planning and coordinating pilots along the way.

If we weren't starting at the same place, I'd help you :D
We can put her on an airline for around $157.00 so it's not a cost issue. I thought it would be pretty cool and I'd send her out with a log book so we could read about her journey when she reached her final destination. Just thought I'd put feelers out to see if anyone was interested.
Why don't you just do it yourself? The aircraft in your signature line looks plenty capable.
If you'd needed this done around the time of Gaston's I could have gotten her to Gaston's and then someone else the rest of the way. A canine version of Hayden? :)

Unfortunately this doesn't really fall under the category of what ARF does, otherwise I'd suggest you request a flight through us.
Why don't you just do it yourself? The aircraft in your signature line looks plenty capable.

Thanks. The Viking Witch would definitely work, in fact I just got back from a flight a few minutes ago up to Albany NY and back and she performed flawlessly; but I'm looking at it (Doggy Flight) from an adventure stand-point. I know the 4-legged wouldn't find the coolness of it, but for the pilots involved to do a 50 mile leg or so I think would be fun; and with a "mission" reason.

We're gonna do the airline thing just for better planning purposes, but I did want to see what kind of response we'd get.

I have one lil stinker dog that could keep someone company one way.........:p

Caught trying to steel the kitty's catnip from their cat tree/sleepy place thingy.


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