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you have provided all required ... but that .15 may give them pause for you to show 6+ months of sobriety. Ask you HIMS-AME to give the FAA in D.C. a cal for an update. It can take 6+ months once all data that they have requested have been sent for them to decide. Also the opinions of the the shrink, the neuroshrink and your HIMS-AME can impact decision. No news may indeed be good news.
Why class I ?
I ask because if you want airlines, that *may* be out of reach with two DUI's. Regardless of the Feds decision, the decision of the employer is another hurdle.
you have provided all required ... but that .15 may give them pause for you to show 6+ months of sobriety. Ask you HIMS-AME to give the FAA in D.C. a cal for an update. It can take 6+ months once all data that they have requested have been sent for them to decide. Also the opinions of the the shrink, the neuroshrink and your HIMS-AME can impact decision. No news may indeed be good news.

Thank you for the kind reply. I thought that's about it, but I am pushing 2 years in waiting for S.I.; it makes me nervous about things. No news is good news indeed....
Contact Dr. Bruce. One offense is *ok* (not really ok) and two is a pattern. Hope it all works out for you.
This is what happens when you reactively wait and don't get good advise upfront- months and months of cumulative cycles.

What you needed- good rehab - well that's done. And the question of the hour is, do you "get it"? Do you recognize that you are alcoholic?

Assuming you are in the hands of a HIMS AME, it sounds like you are waiting for Washington DC, which is a long slow haul. 'tis but a twinkling in the whole career, however, to "get it right....

Dr. Lou and I are both HIMS AMEs. We'd have to read your FAA medical record to know what the situation is. But it sounds like you have gotten it all done....."if you get it".
Dr. Chien, thank you for the input. Yes I am an alcoholic. One dui could be a terrible mistake but second dui is the alarming wake up call. It's the pattern of negative behavior. I now have a full understanding of the program and process I must follow to stay abstinent and sober at the entirety.
1/3 of all DUI arrests are repeat offenders. That is why the FAA has such strict guidelines and they are in no rush to issue.
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