Please critique my avionics choices

The OP started off with the premise that money spent on IFR capabilities are wasted for him. Assuming that a dollar spent on IFR capability is truly a waste, why would he want a VOR receiver?

The rest of my post was dedicated to the premise that money spent on real-world IFR capabilities (approach-certified WAAS GPS) was better both for the OP's use and for the marketability of his plane if he sells it.

The only time I would use a VOR is if there is a GPS outage (very rarely), and I cannot read sectionals (not happened yet). So...
The only time I would use a VOR is if there is a GPS outage (very rarely), and I cannot read sectionals (not happened yet). So...
In that case, I would not spend money on a VOR receiver if I were in your shoes. I would make the decision between an IFR GPS or not. If possible, leave room in the panel for expansion so a future owner can add the latest and greatest IFR GPS available without throwing out your work. The key in my mind would be to minimize the future burden of making the plane real-world IFR capable. When I was shopping for a plane, my preferences were:
1. Has a WAAS GPS with IFR approval
2. Can have the IFR WAAS GPS added easily
3. Requires major panel overhaul to have IFR WAAS GPS capabilities