**Play Dragnet Music**

As Adam said, it was a DPE. I was deferred by the FSDO.
Ed, an active military buddy sent me this a few years ago. The list is written for mil. aviators, but it holds true for civilians, too.

I refer you to item 9.

You've probably seen a few of the other items here and there.


N2212R said:
As Adam said, it was a DPE. I was deferred by the FSDO.
In that case, I think you and your instructor should contact the FSDO, relate the entire story (including the "leave it all down until past the end of the runway" line, which I think is terrible advice) and see if this is the way they want things done, as I'm still not entirely convinced you deserved a bust on this. CFI is supposed to be about teaching, not blind obedience to checklists, and a CFI ride should not die on the basis of philosophical differences.