Our full Avidyne stack - 540, 440 remote xponder new audio panel and ADSB avionics being installed this week. Can hardly wait.
Pictures or it never happened!
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Why avidyne ?
I would love to hear the results after you guys fly it a bit.
I fly a Matrix with an Avidyne and have thoiught about the same upgrade. It has been hard to justify as both the 430's are WAAS and I have active traffic.
I can understand that. We do have active traffic already. Our 430s never had the WAAS upgrade and it was going to cost $9K or so for that; $9K got the ADSB solution; $1,200 for the flight stream. So it was about $20-$21K with 18-20 year old gps/radio technology. Effectively the 430s are using mid 1990s computer technology. We did think long and hard about which direction to go. For us we went this direction. We bit the bullet and did ADSB because of the Avidyne pricing. The price break on the Jepp bundles will save us over the 5 years to pay for the extra in costs to get the whole shebang. But frankly, it was more than I wanted to spend, but since we were doing it felt we should do it right. For you it may not make sense as your navs are already WAAS.
I can understand that. We do have active traffic already. Our 430s never had the WAAS upgrade and it was going to cost $9K or so for that; $9K got the ADSB solution; $1,200 for the flight stream. So it was about $20-$21K with 18-20 year old gps/radio technology. Effectively the 430s are using mid 1990s computer technology. We did think long and hard about which direction to go. For us we went this direction. We bit the bullet and did ADSB because of the Avidyne pricing. The price break on the Jepp bundles will save us over the 5 years to pay for the extra in costs to get the whole shebang. But frankly, it was more than I wanted to spend, but since we were doing it felt we should do it right. For you it may not make sense as your navs are already WAAS.
9k for the WAAS upgrade?
probably about right. WAAS upgrade was 3k+ for me a 3-4 years ago. I'm wanting to say 32-3500. Then it cost me >1000 to install the new antenna and cable. The OP has 2 units. I don't know if they share the same antenna or not.
We looked at used 430s, but they were only a little less than a new 650. I'm glad we made the right call.
Exactly. I'm assuming yours did not have any 430 so you would have been paying full freight. The Avidyne was substantially less than the 750/650 stack, but it was the other features that intrigued us.
Pictures or it never happened!
As you wished. Renamed thread and will be updating here.
The shop said they will send pics as the project progresses. Found out the DFC90 was never wired to flap sensors. We're having it done really cheaply since everything is apart. This will help the under speed envelope so they say.
Anyway pics follow.
Our full Avidyne stack - 540, 440 remote xponder new audio panel and ADSB avionics being installed this week. Can hardly wait.
Pic #2
Is Dave doing the install?
I hope they know how that all goes back together!!
Hmmm. Should I be worried about the leftover pieces?
No, you'll never miss them... Would love to know how it works for you after you've flown with it for a while... Keep us posted...
Hmmm. Should I be worried about the leftover pieces?
I wanna hear your long term notes but I think I'm leaning Avidyne for the stuff I need to do soonish. That setup looks great.
What are you looking to do Nate?
I saw this in Avionics, mine was in at the same time getting a new radio installed... I talked to Dan as he was about to start up and deliver this airplane from the installer to you. Nice stack, I must say. Not a bad airplane either haha.