Plane crash at my home airport today

We should definitely remove throttles from airplanes. Someone might push one forward and get to flying speed.
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I've never flown in a 150, so I'm talking our my arse.

But evidently, if you pick up the flaps with two people, it stalls. :dunno:

Especially when fully loaded with a highschool linebacker and what I heard was an average sized male. Throw in making a turn back to the airport while dumping the flaps and what I'm guessing what continuing the backpressure on the elevator.
one of the downsides of flying an underpowered airplane.

Lol. Stalls have nothing to do with power... Perhaps that kind of mindset is why so many cirrus a/c are in fact falling out of the air. That cracks me up!

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Lol. Stalls have nothing to do with power... Perhaps that kind of mindset is why so many cirrus a/c are in fact falling out of the air. That cracks me up!

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I was going to say the same thing. Smart plane, dumb pilot.

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48dodge, I also fly out of LRO. Sad deal all around.
It never helps calm a new-to-flying wife when a plane goes down at the home airfield.
I know that I did. In the spring, we had very windy days (almost each time I went up I had 12+ knot winds and gusts up to 20). My instructor suggested we land no flaps on very windy days, better control of the plane.

No flap landings was a required maneuver on my ppl check ride.
So if one does accidentally take off with those giant barn doors hanging down off the wings, what is the "proper" procedure?

My thoughts would be as follows:
1. Oh crap.
2. Airspeed.
3. Retract a little bit
4. Airspeed.
5. Retract a little bit more.
6. Airspeed
7. Eventually you get back to what would be configured for a short field takeoff.
8. Continue as if it was a short field take off for flap retract and airspeed.

Keep nose down, retract flaps, fly away.
No flap landings was a required maneuver on my ppl check ride.

Yes, you have to demonstrate ability in the available configuration and failure modes. The DE is not likely to ask you for a no flaps short/soft in a plane with flaps.
48dodge, I also fly out of LRO. Sad deal all around.
It never helps calm a new-to-flying wife when a plane goes down at the home airfield.

I made sure I took a lesson as soon as I could after the accident to show my wife I wasn't affected. I also went through the scenario and explained to her how many ways it shouldn't have happened. As soon as her eyes glazed over from disinterest, I knew I could go fly again.
You forgot a step, trim the plane, some planes are a handful when full power is used or you go from full flaps to no flaps.


If I'm trimmed all the way back for like a three point, and if you shove go around power in, you better be prepared.

The force required to push on the yoke is dangerous. If your hand slipped off for even a second, it could be disastrous.