
Filing Flight Plan
Sep 27, 2022
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Generally favor positive posts but also appreciate the honest input I've received around here and wish to return the favor.

The honest truth is that the Sporty's PJ2 radio truly sucks.

It quit working, after about a total usage of 1 hour. It is 16 months old. Nobody cares. Looking on line, it appears most peoples' PJ2 radio also sucks, so I feel like an idiot for not researching it first, hence this post. Be smarter than me !

That's all I have to say, have a nice weekend !
I have the previous version the PJ2 for about 3 years with good success. The user interface is much easy to operate than my other radio the Yaesu FTA-250. The integrated pilot headset sockets are a HUGE plus. Nice not having to deal with adapter cables.

Pluses: Direct plug-in headset sockets, easy user interface, low cost
Minuses: Larger and heavier than most other radios, plastic latch for battery compartment is cheesy, higher power consumption

A lot of radio from the Chi-coms for not a lot of money, just use it a lot in the warranty period to flush-out infant mortality as that is an issue reported.

I feel for you @VoiceOfReason it blows to have something fail early. What really makes a guy see red is the "sucks to be you" attitude from Sporty's with their branded radio.
I also bought a PJ2 a couple of years ago and it still works fine. It came in handy last year when a PTT button failed on my center stick. I agree the integrated headset sockets are a huge plus. A rechargeable battery pack option would be nice because it eats up alkaline batteries fairly quickly with use. Overall, though, a good purchase.
I’ve heard of more negative experiences vs positive ones when researching different hand held backup radios. Of course bad news travels twice as far and twice as fast as good news. I ended up with a Yaesu. The interface is definitely not one I would desire for a rarely used radio that I would need under duress.
The internet sucks in negativity. I’ve had mine as my primary radio since it came out. No problems. It needs the proper amps and volts to run.
I haven’t shopped portable radios in for ever, but honestly the PJ2 looks about like my 20+ year old SP200. For what it’s worth, my old SP200 still works.




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I have the PJ2+ and have been using it on a regular basis. I have an external antenna on the underside of the plane. Using double A batteries. Have had no problems so far. Using a noise canceling head set. Like the feature of the radio accepting the headset jacks directly.
It may not work very well, but at least it burns well. (Two friends have had theirs melt/smoke/fire). I wouldn't touch this thing with a ten foot pole.
It may not work very well, but at least it burns well. (Two friends have had theirs melt/smoke/fire). I wouldn't touch this thing with a ten foot pole.
Mine shorted out and melted part of the battery pack. It was a PJ2, not the slightly newer PJ2+ They did redesign the pack after a number of these incidents. Sporty's was kind enough to let me buy a new pack at full retail. :mad:
Interesting mixed reviews. I switched from a Yaesu FTA-750 to a PJ2+ precisely because I was able to switch between using the radio speak and a headset just by plugging, in, unlike the Yaesu which requires a fixed adapter to use a headset (thus precluding any other kind of use). The PJ2+ seems to have held a charge just fine over the last year. I clip it to my aircraft door and use it to listen to the ATIS while I wrap up my pre-flight. It's there as a convenience on the ground and as an emergency back-up in the air. My experience, at least, has been pretty positive.