[pirep]Sac's first ever liquor review - Jeremiah Weed[/pirep]

Thanks I think... Most people say I look older than I am.

I pinned on at the ripe old age of 38 - am 40.5 now. I'll retire from the USAF just before my 43rd b-day. :D

I mean it in a good way. Cheers to you, and raise a shot of Jeriemiah to you!
24 years in the regular Air Force, 12 more and counting as a GS-11-2152. Most of my drinking buddies are now Lt Cols (no Eagle drivers, mostly A-10, F35 and a couple that went back to teaching in the white jets) with at least two moving on to become Generals and one in the US Congress. I know more than you think. ;)

I get why the one who ended up in Congress would do things just for looks, but the others? Well, maybe Generals too... :) :) :)
24 years in the regular Air Force, 12 more and counting as a GS-11-2152. Most of my drinking buddies are now Lt Cols (no Eagle drivers, mostly A-10, F35 and a couple that went back to teaching in the white jets) with at least two moving on to become Generals and one in the US Congress. I know more than you think. ;)
I'm sure you know a lot about the USAF.

You know jack-all about my squadron bar and how/if/when I drink Weed. You said you'd bet that I.... and I'm just telling you that you'd lose that bet. No hurt feelings; we've all been wrong a few times.
edit: In response to Nate.

I didn't mean that the way it sounded (or possibly sounded if someone were to mouth the words as they read it.) They don't do it for looks, they do it for tradition and the military has a ton of tradition which I fully support. My point is that I honestly haven't met a pilot in the Air Force that truly likes Jeremiah Weed. If they did, there wouldn't be so many dusty bottles of the stuff sitting in every squadron bar I've ever been to.
I'm sure you know a lot about the USAF.

You know jack-all about my squadron bar and how/if/when I drink Weed. You said you'd bet that I.... and I'm just telling you that you'd lose that bet. No hurt feelings; we've all been wrong a few times.

None here either. As I said above, I didn't mean it [you make sure someone sees you] like it sounded etc etc. I haven't met you, someday I hope to. Then I can say that I've met exactly ONE fighter pilot who actually liked Jeremiah Weed. :)
I'll only say this in response Mark. I said "tradition" but I didn't mention which tradition or why. I won't mention it here as it is easily found online. Perhaps I unintentionally pushed a button. All I will say is that no disrespect to anyone, fallen or otherwise was inferred or intended.
I'll only say this in response Mark. I said "tradition" but I didn't mention which tradition or why. I won't mention it here as it is easily found online. Perhaps I unintentionally pushed a button. All I will say is that no disrespect to anyone, fallen or otherwise was inferred or intended.

No worries Tim. I was just laughing my arse off at you and Evil sparring, and had to rib ya a little. ;)
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They weren’t. Tim was just referring to a “tradition” surrounding when the vile stuff is being consumed.

I get what he was saying now. It was subtle. :)
Navy fighter pilots don't drink that gross sh**....even our sorry LTJG's :)

Are you sure? I thought that was the root cause of Hook ‘91:D

(Tailhook Member and Honorary Bar Stooler)

Did this whisky-weed review come out on 4/20? I wanna know if the OP inhaled.

Pretty close to it. On both counts. I think I might have snorted a little unintentionally when I took that first sip.
Don't be surprised if I take you up on it!
C'mon down!

None here either. As I said above, I didn't mean it [you make sure someone sees you] like it sounded etc etc. I haven't met you, someday I hope to. Then I can say that I've met exactly ONE fighter pilot who actually liked Jeremiah Weed. :)
Sounds good to me.

I do like it (when chilled appropriately). Can't really say why though - probably because of it's association with a lot of good times, great friends and challenging times in my career. I don't love the stuff, but I certainly don't hate it. 'Like it' is appropriate for me. If it's around I'll drink some, won't drink it all night long of course (don't want to get THAT hammered very often anymore). My cousin (non-fighter pilot) actually LOVES the stuff. Now, he's crazy.
I saw it and thought it was intentional. :cool:

You know, now that I think about it, it may have been intentional, just not on our part. That was the second photograph in the series. The dude taking the picture took a whole new shot placement when he snapped that photo. @Sam D would you agree that might have been the case?
You know, now that I think about it, it may have been intentional, just not on our part. That was the second photograph in the series. The dude taking the picture took a whole new shot placement when he snapped that photo. @Sam D would you agree that might have been the case?

Yeah, I was impressed with his commitment to his picture taking craft. I thought he was going to bring out some extra lights, fan and thumping music to really get the photo shoot going.

(All I was planning to do was take a selfie with the two of us and you in some Home-Improvement-Wilson-type pose)
Yeah, I was impressed with his commitment to his picture taking craft. I thought he was going to bring out some extra lights, fan and thumping music to really get the photo shoot going.

(All I was planning to do was take a selfie with the two of us and you in some Home-Improvement-Wilson-type pose)

There were a couple things I forgot to do. 1: Wear argyle socks. Then again, riding through North Highlands in argyle socks could be a bad move. 2: Do some pushups or something so I could get pumped up for the camera.
Who is who in the pic? I'm guessing you on the right in the bike gear you use to go see Burger Girl?
Who is who in the pic? I'm guessing you on the right in the bike gear you use to go see Burger Girl?

That is correct. I probably should have clarified. And yes, after picking up the bottle, I rode to Habit Burger to say hi to my Burger Girls. The Filipina Burger Manager was in effect as well.
Nonsense. That’s Ahhnold, The Governator’s head photoshopped onto a cycling tights model from Sierra Trading Post. Isn’t it?


More accurately, a Performance Bicycle model, thank you.
More accurately, a Performance Bicycle model, thank you.

Trek guy myself. The last time I wore tights they were sliding pads in Knothole Baseball under my uni. If I tried them on today, women, children and weak men would faint or run from the horror of the sight:eek:

After all these years I finally realized that Sac looks just like that guy from that thing.
Trek guy myself. The last time I wore tights they were sliding pads in Knothole Baseball under my uni. If I tried them on today, women, children and weak men would faint or run from the horror of the sight:eek:


Well, look, any way you break it down, the important thing is that you get the job done. Whether it I exercise, engaging the enemy, fixing the wife's flat, whatever, jut get it done.
We are like twin brothers. People can't tell us apart.
Yeah, I can see the resemblance:

I have met Arnold in person. A few times. He isn't that much taller than Danny Devito.
There were a couple things I forgot to do. 1: Wear argyle socks. Then again, riding through North Highlands in argyle socks could be a bad move. 2: Do some pushups or something so I could get pumped up for the camera.
May I suggest your next kit -
May I suggest your next kit -
View attachment 62270

See, that's the problem with most biker jerseys. I'm no Arnold but still, they are sized for stick figures. If it fits my shoulders, the waist is way loose. This Sugoi jersey in the photo fits me best. Not well, just best.
I loved the show "Moonshiners" for a long time. The way they loved drinking the 'shine, it just made me want to try it. They loved it like I love Red Bull, just pounding it down and declaring it delicious.

So some of the fellas released "legal" moonshine, and I had to buy some. It was horrible, absolutely awful. I don't know how they can declare that delicious, but it's likely an acquired taste.

Now this thread is making me want to pick up the SMALLEST POSSIBLE bottle of the Jeremiah, put it in the freezer for awhile, and giver it a go!
But the third gen Smithy adds some class to the photo. :)

Yeah you know, I've always snubbed my nose at plastic pistols, but that Sig Sauer P320 M17 configuration looks tempting.