PIREP My total cost for PPL 2018/2019

I've never tallied flying expenses. Don't need to trigger a coronary.

Yep, me too! Every time I go up, I get an emailed invoice from the flight school that night or the next day, and it hits one of my credit card. I see the monthly bill from the credit card company, but I've been too afraid to total everything up.

At first, I told myself I would total it all up after I passed my checkride, and now I'm not so sure. I intend to start instrument training shortly after that, and now I'm afraid if I totaled it all up, the shock might deter me LOL.

Maybe it's just better for me to adopt the "I can't take it with me" attitude, and at least know I'm spending it on learning something fun and "experiences" instead of just stuff and junk to sit around and clutter up the house. That might make it a little easier to pay those credit card bills.
This thread inspired me to review my log books. First solo at 11.9/hrs March 1993. PPL check ride at 67.5/hrs Jan 1994. Total cost was around $2200. Blast from the past. I took longer to get PPL due to my job which would have me on travel months at a time.
