I feel your pain with the cost. A thought for you to consider is to not add IFR capability until you've saved the additional $8000 to get the dual G5's. Or $10000 to get the slicker looking 275's. I find flying IFR is fun/challenging enough with the proper eye scan, instruments arranged "correctly", etc. Spending X amount to get you something that difficult to use vs spending X+Y to get it really usable is money well spent IMHO.
Sacrilege to cut into that nice panel? Maybe a little. But I like Jay Leno's approach on these things. For example, he has added disc brakes to some of his vintage cars to keep them as close to original as possible BUT making allowances to make the car much safer and drivable. Sticking the GPS down there, AI over here, DG and CDI over there, just isn't going to be enjoyable for you I think.