Pirep Flying Circus Warrenton VA KHWY


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 15, 2008
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Lived in this area for 21 years and never visited, decided to go this weekend and without making a big deal of it, was one of the most moving airshows I've seen.

Flew into Warrenton Va, the website says they'll pick you up but the guys at Warrenton just loaned me their airporr truck.

The place is basically the Field of Dreams of Flying. Just rides in the Stearmans going on for 3 hrs before the show,
But not boring as its neat to see kids and people get a taste of flying.

The show starts with a jump from a Stearman followed by the near-obligatory streaming of the flag and playing of the national anthem, but thankfully he only jumps from 5000 feet so they can't drag that out too long.

Now the fun starts: 6 Stearmans in a pattern zooming in to pop helium balloons. Then Stearmans cutting a roll of toilet paper. A funny skit flour bombing a "German" (the funny WW1 kind, not the odious WW2 variety).

All great fun a few more funny skits and then no-**** wing walking, no harness, no chute, the fellow hanging from the wing by his feet.

The end is 3 Stearmans flying in formation to The strains of America the Beautiful, ending in a Fleur de Lis breakout. Sublime and moving in its simplicity.

And then all 9 ships (6 Stearmans 2 Wacos 1 L4) taxi straight up line abreast, cut the engines, hop, out, and spend the next hour signing autographs and talking flying, Have we ever seen any of the Blue Angels do that?
Should post these events beforehand! Sounds like a great event.
Just a slight nit. KHWY is "Warrenton-Faqueier" Airport. There is a nearby strip "Warrenton Airpark" 7VG0, home of a rogue skydiving operation. Flying circus is 3VA3.

The shows are always great there.
Blue Angels do sign autographs, I've seen videos of them doing it (ducks for cover)
When I lived in Virginia I visited the Flying Circus many times and always had a blast. Before I left the east coast, I worked hard to get permission to fly in to the Flying Circus in my Maule. The crew that runs the show checked me out and finally gave me permission. That runway is far from flat, but it was plenty long for my Maule. Just taxiing next to Stearmans, Wacos and one beautiful Starduster Too with a Kinner engine put a permanent smile on my face. The family friendly nature of the operation is reinforced when you realize how many of the performers in the show got their first taste of flying as kids in the audience! They have picnic tables, a good snack bar and they operate every Sunday all summer long. If you haven't been yet, you have plenty of time to catch a show this year. Here is the URL for their show schedule!

When I lived in Virginia I visited the Flying Circus many times and always had a blast. Before I left the east coast, I worked hard to get permission to fly in to the Flying Circus in my Maule. The crew that runs the show checked me out and finally gave me permission. That runway is far from flat, but it was plenty long for my Maule. Just taxiing next to Stearmans, Wacos and one beautiful Starduster Too with a Kinner engine put a permanent smile on my face. The family friendly nature of the operation is reinforced when you realize how many of the performers in the show got their first taste of flying as kids in the audience! They have picnic tables, a good snack bar and they operate every Sunday all summer long. If you haven't been yet, you have plenty of time to catch a show this year. Here is the URL for their show schedule!

What would it take to fly in before the show starts and leave after?
You'll have to contact the organizers. It is a PPR private field, and not everyone makes the cut. I assume insurance has something to do with it. There is contact information on their website. If you are close, drive in and talk to them before one of their Sunday performances.