For the whole PA28 line, there have been two wing separations that were the root cause of a crash, the ERAU one and a pipeline inspection plane. Yes that joint has potential issues, but beating the crap out of the plane seems to be needed for it to be a real problem.
For the moment I'm holding my breath until we know more about the PA-28-235 that went down last week.
So did you post your "principles" to the comments page for the NPRM as the other 168 people did?
Why would I do that? 17 of them duplicated my sentiments. That's still besides the point. You re under the mistaken belief that apparatus is a democratic process. Its not voting bruh. As such, I have no incentive to validate that exercise as somehow inclusive or effectual on my stake in this thing.
FWIW: From my experience, a number of people do not know or understand the details of the inspection. I've been following this AD and the SB for a couple old clients who have PA-28s. It seems the minute eddy current was required most people knee-jerked and saw nothing but $$$. However, with a SNPRM being released it's obvious the feds are rethinking a number of requirements. But as it stands now, if the owner/pilot remains allowed to do the mx research, the eddy current inspection criteria standard is expanded, and they keep the AMOC ability, I think this inspection will be very affordable and manageable in the end.
I will give you that. The allowance to have the owner do the review and sign off the AD for those of us who do not need the eddy current, is a breath of fresh air.
Why would I do that? 17 of them duplicated my sentiments.
I guess you have the "mistaken belief" that numbers don't count in the NPRM process. Imagine if every owner of the 10,000+ aircraft affected would submit a comment? Several changes were made under the SNPRM by as little as 4 or 5 comments. But since you have zero incentive to be proactive in the AD process, that kind of takes away any validity of your whining about it. Regardless, with only 168 comments posted out of a possible 10,881+, it's kind of hard to sway any governmental entity when 98% of "voters" don't show up. Which really doesn't get much more "democratic" than that.;)
I thought about commenting on it, but my case is unique and with one wing with unknown TIS, i might as well do the inspection. I will just get the inspection over with once they make up their mind. Need to find a shop out here who are qualified to do the inspection.
I agree that $150 per wing might be a bit low, especially if you have to have someone come in for one plane. I suspect though, that most shops will have multiple, if not multiple dozens, of affected aircraft. Get them all lined up and done in one day.... the actual inspection takes minutes... it's the R&R of fairings and bolts that that takes the time. So even if it costs double.... are you willing to roll the dice for $1000?

FWIW, I can't find the post now, but a member of the pa-32 Facebook group reported getting it done when piper released their SB. He flew to the inspector, total cost as I recall was in the $500 neighborhood.
I stand corrected, thanks for the update I did not see that.
So did you post your "principles" to the comments page for the NPRM as the other 168 people did?
I'm being "encouraged" by an acquaintance, who also has a cherokee, that I should comment on the NPRM. Harassed is a better word. His attitude is any time the Feds even hint at something, it's time to raise holy h*ll and complain and argue and....well, you get the idea. Doesn't matter the reason, doesn't matter if it makes sense or not, he always argues against anything and everything from the FAA or Piper.

I've flown in his airplane once. Never again. They painted the airplane with spray cans of auto paint, never bothered to have the ailerons, flaps or elevator re-balanced, and so on. But two A&Ps over 15 years have signed off on it. He flew with me once - I won't ever invite him fly with me again. All he did was talk about how he flys his airplane, the settings he uses, what I'm doing wrong, yada yada yada.

On the other hand, if I was in any type of accident or needed help, he & his wife would be the first ones there.
Comment if you like, but our experience with the PA24 tail horn AD had an overwhelming number of responses and engineering data to support a one time inspection. Didn't happen. The Feds are gonna do what they're gonna do. Reading the FAA responses as to why valid comments are rejected is fun and educational.
but our experience with the PA24 tail horn AD had an overwhelming number of responses
Curious. Was this the AD from 2012? And what would you consider an "overwhelming number"? I haven't seen many NPRMs with large numbers of comments.