Piper Cherokee fuel smell in cabin


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 19, 2020
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In my adventures as a new owner I’m tackling different things. The latest is an occasional fuel smell in the cabin during cruise. It seems to only happen for a few minutes then dissipates. Most flights it never happens. I checked the fuel selector and definitely no smell there. Curious if the smell is coming through the air vents, especially now that it is getting warmer and they are opened? I get back on the ground and no smell at all. Also no smell during preflight, runup, taxi , etc. any ideas on this one?
Have you checked the line feeding the fuel pressure gauge?
But then again, I open up the cowls and don t see or smell any fuel at all I’m the engine compartment.
If you fail to find the source, open an underside, inboard wing inspection port and sniff.
All the other suggestions are worth looking into. Add the fuel valve area to your list as well.
Also check the seal on the primer. Would also be interested if the fuel pressure (being higher) correlates to the smelly time.

This. We found a crack in the line from the primer on our Archer at annual that explained the slight fuel smell when you had the vent window open on the ground with the engine running but not any other time. It doesn't take much 100LL to make a smell. :eek:
I had the same issue with my Warrior. Found a very slight fuel leak near the tank selector valve after removing the side panel. Lots of blue stains around the leak. Just tightened the fitting a half-round and problem was solved.
it's probably better than a cabin smell in your fuel. "hey, this fuel smells like the cabin of a '68 Cherokee!"
Yeah on my 64' 235 I had the same thing, turned out to be the fitting on the primer line where it connects to the priming handle/knob.