Piper Cherokee, Black Knob?

Eric Fetty

Filing Flight Plan
Dec 29, 2016
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Take a look at the photo. Anyone know what this is?

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it's a heating air vent control.
Well he kind of has a point. If you are not a Cherokee guy or are new to them, you wouldn’t necessarily know what it was.
He may or may not have a point but his history is that he is totally negative. If you want to reinforce the negativity as a member of management council then it's your call. I will not embrace that opinion as a long time poster.
He may or may not have a point but his history is that he is totally negative. If you want to reinforce the negativity as a member of management council then it's your call. I will not embrace that opinion as a long time poster.
Actually you kind of do the same thing. Regardless of his history, in THIS CASE he has a valid point and you are out of line.
Actually you kind of do the same thing. Regardless of his history, in THIS CASE he has a valid point and you are out of line.
Out of line for what Greg? The air vent functions are in the POH. I am not out of line for questioning someone about reading the manual. I think you are out of line for being a management council member being biased. We both know where this is coming from.
Out of line for what Greg? The air vent functions are in the POH. I am not out of line for questioning someone about reading the manual. I think you are out of line for being a management council member being biased. We both know where this is coming from.

Game on.......!

And bro, bit of advise. ........ I've fought the law on PoA more than once. Most of the time no matter how right I was, it really didn't matter anymore when I couldn't post for a week.
:D Well Eric, it seems you've received the royal welcome! Welcome to POA, the circus that runs 24/7.
I may have had the best welcome ever on the Red Board. It was in absentia. You know how sometimes when a student describes something a CFI told him and we gang up on the absent CFI and call him or her an idiot? I was one of those CFIs. I was not a forum member and it was Cap'n Ron who called me an idiot*. My student reported it to me. I joined up figuring these were my kind of people.

(* Of course, many might say he was right.)
Out of line for what Greg? The air vent functions are in the POH. I am not out of line for questioning someone about reading the manual. I think you are out of line for being a management council member being biased. We both know where this is coming from.

@Clark1961, I have no idea "where this is coming from" and I'm quite sure the brand-new OP doesn't. In my unbiased 3rd-party opinion, you are kind of being a dick, even if you might be somewhat correct. Also, there isn't really a fast way to answer the question from the POH if you didn't catch it the first time - And you will forget 2/3 of what you read the first time anyway. This is all the manual has to say about it:

Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at 9.06.03 AM.png
In the OP's defense (not that he needs any) ...

Those knobs are not labeled; their function is not necessarily immediately apparent. The manual is no great help, either. In the manual for my old 1977 Cherokee 140, the reference was buried at the end of a longer paragraph, even less apparent than in the example posted above.

This is as close to an illustration as that manual gave you:

Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at 6.50.03 AM.png

I'm not sure when those knobs were added to the heater ducts. The 1969 manuals, and Piper's 1971 guidebook for us sales demo pilots, don't mention them at all.

It was not an unreasonable question. I'm sure I probably asked the same question of somebody way back when.
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I used to fly a Warrior... maybe I didn't read it carefully enough but I couldn't find an explanation for those levers anywhere in the POH.
My guess would be a Cherokee.

looks like it could be a 6, given the 4 fuel tanks to manage. I don't recall if the lance ever had 4 tanks to manage.
looks like it could be a 6, given the 4 fuel tanks to manage. I don't recall if the lance ever had 4 tanks to manage.

Have a lot of Lance hours, pretty sure just two fuel storage units. :D

Edit: looks like two interconnected tanks in each wing. Been awhile, 40 years since I flew them. And that's my excuse, sticking to it! :yesnod:
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Have a lot of Lance hours, pretty sure just two fuel storage units. :D

so I almost made the rookie mistake of saying the lance doesn't have 4 tanks. I believe it in fact does have 4 tanks, but the outers feed the inners so you technically only have 2 tanks to manage. at least that's how I recall it.
Have a lot of Lance hours, pretty sure just two fuel storage units. :D

C 6 have 4 tanks..... one reason I didn't want one. The LanceTogas still have 4 tanks, they are just interconnected. There are 4 25 gallon tanks, two on each wing with each outboard tank gravity feeding into the inboard tank.
He may or may not have a point but his history is that he is totally negative. If you want to reinforce the negativity as a member of management council then it's your call. I will not embrace that opinion as a long time poster.
Hey Clark, you have a phone call on line 1.

It’s the Pot, calling you black.....
@Clark1961, I have no idea "where this is coming from" and I'm quite sure the brand-new OP doesn't. In my unbiased 3rd-party opinion, you are kind of being a dick, even if you might be somewhat correct. Also, there isn't really a fast way to answer the question from the POH if you didn't catch it the first time - And you will forget 2/3 of what you read the first time anyway. This is all the manual has to say about it:

View attachment 63434
Really? Think about it Kent. All I did is pose the question of ‘Really?’ If you want to blow that out of proportion by all means go right ahead. Be as negative as you like.
If there is a knob in or on an airplane to which you don't know it's function, it's probably best to ask before moving it.
Really? Think about it Kent. All I did is pose the question of ‘Really?’ If you want to blow that out of proportion by all means go right ahead. Be as negative as you like.

We all know Clark is never going to win any awards for diplomacy.
The OP, if he/she sticks around, has probably learned that already.
In the OP's defense (not that he needs any) ...

Those knobs are not labeled; their function is not necessarily immediately apparent. The manual is no great help, either. In the manual for my old 1977 Cherokee 140, the reference was buried at the end of a longer paragraph, even less apparent than in the example posted above.

This is as close to an illustration as that manual gave you:

View attachment 63433

I'm not sure when those knobs were added to the heater ducts. The 1969 manuals, and Piper's 1971 guidebook for us sales demo pilots, don't mention them at all.

It was not an unreasonable question. I'm sure I probably asked the same question of somebody way back when.

I'm glad you posted that diagram Jeff. Not only does my '69 140 not have the black knob (depicted as #11 because the duct stops right at the pilot's ankle and doesn't continue on to the back seat passengers) but now I know why some Cherokees I've seen have a screen on the vertical stab rather than a solid plate like mine. Extra ventilation sure would be nice here in Arizona.
If there is a knob in or on an airplane to which you don't know it's function, it's probably best to ask before moving it.

Its funny that people assume that the picture is of the OP's plane. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that it isn't. I would even ask what the knob was for in addition to what type of "Cherokee" has that many fuel tanks.