Pilots flying under BasicMed can soon act as safety pilots


Line Up and Wait
Apr 21, 2021
Orange County, CA
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The final rule makes a “minor change” to “allow a required pilot flightcrew member who is not acting as PIC to operate under BasicMed.”


The second miscellaneous amendment changes the regulations to allow a pilot to act as pilot in command (PIC) during a special medical flight test authorized under Part 67 without holding a medical certificate.

I missed that in the Balloon thread. OP, thanks for posting! I used SF when I was getting my IR training, so good to know I can "pass it forward" to others in my club.
I missed that in the Balloon thread. OP, thanks for posting! I used SF when I was getting my IR training, so good to know I can "pass it forward" to others in my club.

To be clear, you can act as a safety pilot with basic med today, you just have to be PiC. In 3 weeks when the rule takes effect, it won’t matter who’s PIC anymore.
To be clear, you can act as a safety pilot with basic med today, you just have to be PiC. In 3 weeks when the rule takes effect, it won’t matter who’s PIC anymore.
Yep. Regardless, our club was back on forth on whether to allow it based on the old rule. The new rule will put the issue firmly in the "yes I can" side.
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