Pilot selling plane to smoke pot...

sigh...it's not about the pot. It's about how a life of careless abandon is apparently superior to a lifetime of ambition. Why try so hard to become successful when a lackadaisical life may bear equal return of contentment.
Sir, out of the hundreds of messages I have received from my ad, yours is truly to most logical one I have seen! YOU DEFINITELY GET IT! Thank you!



His real plan is probably a taxpayer funded career in couch abuse and smoking pot.
I don't smoke pot. Not tax payer funded career either. Just a white trash pilot trying to make ends meet while giving guidance to a 21 year old pothead who won't do anything to contribute positively to himself or society all while trying to find a decent career where I can restore my retirement savings, my credit rating and my dignity!

The only way the glamor in Aviation will return is for a nationwide pilot strike by every single professional aviator from the airlines to charter to corporate to demand respect, better pay for the equipment and responsibility we do! I could go on and on but what's to point? It ain't gonna happen.

AVIATION! Where do I sign up??? ROLMFAO!
Guessing maybe he might not have the best personality

No matter your hours and how straight and narrow you walk, if people don't want to be around YOU, you're hosed.

Wow James331! That really hurt my feelings. Is that your opinion of me because you know me or is that a professional analysis based on an education earned in psychology or is this how you assume? If it's the latter of the three then you successfully made an ass out of yourself and me.

Just another reason to keep loving aviation! Lol! Where do I sign up! ROLMAO!

John, did you sell the plane? Your story reminded me of a Fountains of Wayne song called Mexican Wine. This is the last verse in it-

I used to fly for United Airlines
Then I got fired for reading High Times
My license expired in almost no time
Now I'm retired and I think that's fine

Because the sun still shines in the summer time
I'll be yours if you'll be mine
I tried to change, but I changed my mind
Think I'll have another glass of Mexican wine
Think I'll have another glass of Mexican wine
Won't you have another glass of Mexican wine?
I love these guys.

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sigh...it's not about the pot. It's about how a life of careless abandon is apparently superior to a lifetime of ambition. Why try so hard to become successful when a lackadaisical life may bear equal return of contentment.

Because we measure success by a false standard that requires one to live life in an unfulfilling manner in order to be deemed successful. The question that people need to answer is "What is life about?" Therein lies the answer to which one must judge their actions and success.
Because we measure success by a false standard that requires one to live life in an unfulfilling manner in order to be deemed successful. The question that people need to answer is "What is life about?" Therein lies the answer to which one must judge their actions and success.

42 :D
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: What a Limbaughesque drama queen, even Rush is a junkie, was he on welfare?

You must be high, you posted this lame twice. Maybe you are the pot pilot seller? You wanna confess?
Wow James331! That really hurt my feelings. Is that your opinion of me because you know me or is that a professional analysis based on an education earned in psychology or is this how you assume? If it's the latter of the three then you successfully made an ass out of yourself and me.

Just another reason to keep loving aviation! Lol! Where do I sign up! ROLMAO!


It's based on how you describe yourself. If you can't clear 30k, or whatever that low number was, flying with all that experience you say you have something's wrong with you.

As for your son, perhaps you might do better in teaching him about life, if you didn't call him a "pot head" in public.

I have less hours then what you claim to have, I'm not an A&P, but I am a CFI and GI, though I did not let my CFI expire.

I've been quite happy with aviation, and it's treated me well. Right now I have a great schedule, good pay and bennies, I'm home every night and am treated quite well by management.

I have never felt the need to disrespect my family on a internet board, or announce my intentions to smoke weed on public forums, is that part of the reason I'm doing better in aviation :dunno:

You don't need a phd in psyc to figure that the problem might not be with "the system" here.

Good luck
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I like to fly and I keep a CDL drivers license so I abstain from everything. You can't even drink one beer because the standard for CDL is lower.

But if I found myself sitting on the porch one day with no licenses or certifications and no money or job, I might just smoke my brains out too.

Tune in, turn on, and drop out. Be one of those crazy old grey long haired men we would see like at a Woodstock concert dancing around drunk and high with no shirt on. Loving everybody. You're my boy Blue! :lol:


I've always wanted to name a male dog, "Blue" because of that movie. Since we always adopt, I'll probably never get to... Ha.
It's based on how you describe yourself. If you can't clear 30k, or whatever that low number was, flying with all that experience you say you have something's wrong with you.

As for your son, perhaps you might do better in teaching him about life, if you didn't call him a "pot head" in public.

I have less hours then what you claim to have, I'm not an A&P, but I am a CFI and GI, though I did not let my CFI expire.

I've been quite happy with aviation, and it's treated me well. Right now I have a great schedule, good pay and bennies, I'm home every night and am treated quite well by management.

I have never felt the need to disrespect my family on a internet board, or announce my intentions to smoke weed on public forums, is that part of the reason I'm doing better in aviation :dunno:

You don't need a phd in psyc to figure that the problem might not be with "the system" here.

Good luck

How is the air up on that high horse? Seriously, what is wrong with tossing in the towel on a career and charting a new course? It's what I'm doing right now too. If John wasn't enjoying what the airlines were giving him, why not quit? Life is way too short to bang your head against a wall.

Every single poster on this forum will be dead sooner than they realize. That is the way of life. In the end, when we are dead, all that we did, all that we "achieved", all that we acquired and all that we hold dear will mean exactly zero.

The pursuit of happiness is just that, a pursuit. For some that means amassing wealth, gaining accolades from their peers and lots of certificates illustrating they actually knew something. Others it's just raising a whole bunch of kids and having fun with the family. For others it's simply watching the sunset everyday on a beach somewhere with a beer in one hand and a joint in the other.

All of these approaches is valid and equal as long as they don't hurt anyone else and they are effective at delivering happiness. More power to John for realizing that aviation wasn't making him happy. Recognizing that what you are doing isn't working and continuing on that path indefinitely anyhow in hopes that it will somehow work out some day is just plain stupid and a waste of one's life.
It's based on how you describe yourself. If you can't clear 30k, or whatever that low number was, flying with all that experience you say you have something's wrong with you.

As for your son, perhaps you might do better in teaching him about life, if you didn't call him a "pot head" in public.

I have less hours then what you claim to have, I'm not an A&P, but I am a CFI and GI, though I did not let my CFI expire.

I've been quite happy with aviation, and it's treated me well. Right now I have a great schedule, good pay and bennies, I'm home every night and am treated quite well by management.

I have never felt the need to disrespect my family on a internet board, or announce my intentions to smoke weed on public forums, is that part of the reason I'm doing better in aviation :dunno:

You don't need a phd in psyc to figure that the problem might not be with "the system" here.

Good luck

Obviously you've never tried to find an aviation job in Omaha or Lincoln.

MU2, come fly planes in the Alaskan Bush with me. You'd fit right in.
At least if he is gonna smoke pot all day he won't have a plane to fly...