Pilot parachutes and leaves 6 PAX to perish? Cessna 206 KC, MO

A lot of things are done that the FAA forbids.

Many years ago near the Illinois and Indiana border, I was at the minimum legal distance below a thick layer, and ATC advised that there would be parachutists falling through the clouds, and deploying just below, please stay alert. They appeared at least a mile off to the south, and well ahead. Obviously, at least a few FAA employees knew that occurred, and I suspect the jump was military. They deployed about half the distance below the clouds as I was flying, and the jump plane was traveling the same general direction as I, judging from the line and order in which they appeared.
What in the name of sweet green baby Grendel!

I can think of a lot of ignominious ways to go, but getting lawn darted out of the sky by a meat missile descending out of IMC was not in my lexicon of imagined demises. Good gracious.
Poor reporting indeed. There's no mention of whether a flight plan was filed.
Glad the title didn't read,
"Pilot parachutes and leaves 6 Packs to perish"

I mean if I was jumping, I'd grab at least one 6 pack.

That's basic survival gear right there.