Pilot Life Insurance Recommendations?


Final Approach
Feb 18, 2006
Smith Valley, Nevada
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Anyone have the latest, greatest policy tip without typical pilot exclusions? Looking for standard term coverage.

Have quotes from PicLife and whatever division of ING that is quoting AOPA-sponsored policies. Not impressed, looking for others to quote.

Thanks :cheerswine:
Anyone have the latest, greatest policy tip without typical pilot exclusions? Looking for standard term coverage.

Have quotes from PicLife and whatever division of ING that is quoting AOPA-sponsored policies. Not impressed, looking for others to quote.

Thanks :cheerswine:

One of my insurance friends claims now that they have really separated out the bad risks (smokers, skydivers, pilots and such) that's why term life rates are so low. But you have to be a straight 35-year-old stamp collector that drives a Crown Victoria to qualify for the $15/mo rate. Have a life, and the premium goes up.

Just wait until the actuarials latch on to the results of the genome project and the legal staff thinks it's defensible...

Trapper John
One of my insurance friends claims now that they have really separated out the bad risks (smokers, skydivers, pilots and such) that's why term life rates are so low. But you have to be a straight 35-year-old stamp collector that drives a Crown Victoria to qualify for the $15/mo rate. Have a life, and the premium goes up.

Trapper John

Well, pic quoted that $ for my wife. She doesn't fit that description by any stretch of the imagination but I guess they haven't yet though of the right questions to pry the risky (risque? :eek: ) details from her ;)

But my quote...not so great.