Picking up the new-to-me Arrow tonight.

The money you would potentially waste trying to resurrect an antique piece of electronics would be well spent on a Stratus and the tablet of your choice with Foreflight.

And congratulations on the new plane. That's really a fantastic looking Arrow.
There's a problem with considering the strikefinder antiquated. It still gives you the information INSTANTLY, vs delayed with Foreflight (and good luck figuring out just how delayed that Foreflight information is). Fortunately, I don't need to spend money on an tablet and stratus (sentry actually), as I have both already. I'm going to have my mechanic look at it. If he thinks its simple, I'll get it fixed. If not, its unfortunately gone.
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Good news, the strike finder works…it was user error. Helps if you read the manual / know which way to turn the brightness up.
Tonight I discovered a few nice surprises in addition to the strike finder report. The nav/comm 2 is a narco and I found it came with a built in dme receiver/display on the vor head that works fine, and the stratus is the in/out version (or I should say has the “in” addition). Seller didn’t mention either of these, and I didn’t notice until today. I had a sentry adsb in on the dash, and noticed a second wifi signal for the stratus. Then I looked at the vor head and noticed a couple of extra knobs…played with the knobs and up pops a digital dme display. Nice.
Also messed with the adf today, which works fine with the exception of a slightly jacked up digital display with some faint or missing segments. That might get pulled now instead of the strike finder.
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Great news! I would keep the strike finder instead of the adf, too. The dme is cool. I wouldn't buy one, but having vor+dme would be handy for flying places where they block gps.
What's the stipulations?
10 new hours with a flight instructor even though I already have my complex endorsement (and about 12 hours complex time with instructors) and 7 hours in an arrow. As far as my arrow time they seemed stuck on the fact that my previous time was in an arrow IV, not an arrow (I)...I felt like asking "is anyone there a pilot?" The quote with these requirements was the cheapest one, and after doing the math I was still ahead even after paying an instructor for 10 hours.
I figure that I've never flown IFR with a complex aircraft, so I'll just use the 10 hours to get some hood time in this plane, and my instructor is on board with that too. Not to mention, that will reset my IFR currency for awhile.
That's crazy. When I got the Comanche the only complex time I had was what I had for the check ride(s) in a Sierra and Arrow, and one additional XC flight in an Arrow, and 0.5 in a 182 for my high performance. Insurance required 5 hours with a CFI and that was it.