I "hichhiked" once, and it is one of my fondest memories.
I took my daughter out to the airport, where they were working on a Russian YAK-52. They were testing a propeller for use on the engine. When I got out there, the paint was still wet in the prop, so it wasn't going to fly that day. I had really wanted to fly in it, and hoped they'd take my daughter up as well.
We hung around the airport for a while, and were just about to go home when one of the guys from the flying club landed. I took her over to the plane while he was getting ready to refuel so she could see it and go inside and so on.
I told the pilot that she (and I) had been hoping to go for a flight that day but that it didn't pan out.
"I'll take you up, if you want."
Well, it wasn't the YAK, but what the heck. He took us up for a short ride "around the patch" and even gave my daughter a "turn at the wheel" - she was about five years old at the time.
At the end of the ride, I helped him refuel and put the plane away. By the time I got home, it was much later than I had originally planned - I had a lot of work around the house, and was afraid my wife would be mad at me for being gone so long.
As we walked in the door, my wife walked into the room. Not happy. My daughter said (loudly).
"We went on a plane ride, and I didn't just ride, I drived it too!"
I was off the hook!