Phoenix, sandblasted

Visibility didn't drop as bad as I thought it would.
I was in the jumpseat of a 737 about 20 seconds before that hit. We just got off in time to have no view of phx. All flights were grounded...had we not gotten out if there I would have missed my trip at pdx.
It was one of the freakiest things I have ever witnessed
What's amazing is all the places you find sand after it blows through. Also the need for new windshields every couple of years, etc.
That is scary. I saw one of those in Phoenix (not as intense as yesterday's, I'm sure) the very first time I was there, in 1987. Fortunately I was able to skedaddle and high-tail it back to L.A. in time.

Looks like something George Lucas and his gang at Industrial Light and Magic came up with. Spooky!
How long were they grounded for?

Here's a video of a SWA 737 flying through it:

I am positive that was SWA 1496 , There was a 767 before us, a 3 minute break and then we were the last to get out.... in the video it looks as if we went through it but that is a distortion from the lights I believe...we never penetrated the dust, it looked as though the clouds of dust were just below the flight deck, we then made a hard right turn on the Chily1 dep.
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Here it is the 7th and there is STILL lots of dust in the air. Visibility sucks--VFR ok but not the breathtaking view of the mountains. I was airborne by 6:10 AM and with the sun low it kind of reminded me of the LA smog. :-(

