I had to read the algebra a few times but in the end I do believe you've interpreted it correctly
I'm not sure what you mean by "explain the compression changes". When I bought the plane it had sat for ~ 1 year (T-1). I had the annual done at the time I bought it and those compressions were the 70-73 values as in the few years prior. The shop flew the plane for about 1 hour prior to the annual / oil change / etc.
Blackstone explained to me that the metals had been collecting over a longer period of time and the camguard likely brought them back into "circulation". The idea that the camguard helped with compressions comes from my own research of the product which suggests it should do just that.
I lightly mentioned the idea of a MOH at some point down the road to my mechanic at the annual a few weeks ago. He said I would be crazy to touch this engine with the power it's making. I have a JPI830 and also have a firm idea that all the cylinders have been staying happy.