Final Approach
Saturday I met a goal that I'd been looking forward to for some time. My first tailwheel student solo. I've given plenty of tailwheel endorsements, but none from scratch. Normally, while I'd prefer to start all students in the Cub, I tell them that they'll save money in the long run just starting out in the trainer they'll take for the checkride and then get the endorsement later. I hope that will change someday when I can afford to buy a tailwheel plane of my own that has a radio and an electronic navigation system. Until then, I'll be waiting. This student wants a Sport Pilot License, and specifically wanted to work with the Cub, which honestly made me very, very happy since I think he'll be a better pilot in the long run, and his solo this weekend also made me happy. It took a little bit longer (15 or so hours, I'm not sure since I don't have his logbook in front of me) but considering we taught him 2 types of landings, ground reference maneuvers, and all of the airwork to near checkride standards, I don't consider him too far off of schedule. Now we're off to cross-country flying, which is almost a joke since we're only required to go >25NM for the SP XC. That said, it will take a bit to get anywhere ... It's a Cub!
Here's the video.
Here's the video.