Touchdown! Greaser!
Remember that the DHS, TSA, FBI, CIA, NSA, and FAA said there was no GA threat to Disney-anything? Did that matter?
Hey...I just figured out the problem...our acronym is one letter too short!
Remember that the DHS, TSA, FBI, CIA, NSA, and FAA said there was no GA threat to Disney-anything? Did that matter?
You really need to learn how to spell- it's überlords- it's not right without the umlaut. Verstehan Sie?
(shakes head)
Let's try this again: We don't discuss what we did or did not do. We do it and move on. We are not in the business of declaring "winners" and "losers."
Dude. Seriously?
Lance did not write the same thing you did. You blamed it on the previous administration. He blamed it on nobody. The difference is that bashing the previous administration, as you did, is cheerleading for the present one, since the whole reason the current president was elected was that he was more different from the previous one than his opponent.Lets see you know go and slam Lance for writing the same thing I did.
Bah, enough of the cheerleader bashing, I love them!
Sorry Jay we both blamed it on the reckless attitude of the 'your with us or against crowd'. Same exact thing. You just see 'cheerleader; where you want to. You often ignore it when it is a view that you agree with.Lance did not write the same thing you did. You blamed it on the previous administration. He blamed it on nobody.
Nope. You explicitly blamed it on the previous administration. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have said a word.Sorry Jay we both blamed it on the reckless attitude of the 'your with us or against crowd'. Same exact thing.
How can I? The conservatives around here get slapped down immediately. There are few political views I agree with that last any time at all.You just see 'cheerleader; where you want to. You often ignore it when it is a view that you agree with.
Nope. You explicitly blamed it on the previous administration. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have said a word.
What a load of bovine excrement and wholly untrue.How can I? The conservatives around here get slapped down immediately. There are few political views I agree with that last any time at all.
If you guys want to blather at each other, by all means, carry on- just use PMs or emails for it. Going out on a limb here, but I thnk most others are well-sick of it.
I have a TSA story today. I am here at school doing recurrent training. There is a guy in my class from Vienna who they will not let into the sim because he doesn't have the proper paperwork approved by the TSA. As I understand it you always had to have this approval for initial training but not for recurrent. They only changed the rule very recently, like last week, so the guy is here in this country but can't get in the sim to finish the course. Remember, this guy is at recurrent training so he already knows how to fly the airplane.
Glad to see out tax dollars at least now I know that nobody cares about those alarm doors
Experienced a TSA story this weekend. Old guy in a suit walked up with 2 young blokes in high-visibility vests with the letters TSA written on them. He then just sat around for a while. After a few minutes (during which I stared at him intensely because I wanted to see if he would react, and because I was bored) he went to the ticket counter and flashed a badge at the flight attendent there. Then he went to one of those alarm-protected doors, set off the alarm, and walked outside. Naturally, I expected something to happen, but nobody seemed to care. I then passed him a few minutes later walking down the jetway.
Glad to see out tax dollars at least now I know that nobody cares about those alarm doors
Everyone seems to forget that the entire premis for any different security measures is flawed....
Yeah, that's pretty big.I don't think this has been mentioned elsewhere yet (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) but H.R. 2200 passed the House 397-25, with all amendments agreed to.
I don't think this has been mentioned elsewhere yet (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) but H.R. 2200 passed the House 397-25, with all amendments agreed to.
I don't think this has been mentioned elsewhere yet (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) but H.R. 2200 passed the House 397-25, with all amendments agreed to.
I can't get the amendments link to work.