Peoria Lunch Get-together 2/25

I made it home even though I was very close to running the one tank dry again. There aren't a lot of gas stations in nowhereland anymore. I should know better than to push it by driving by perfectly good opportunities.
Had an uneventful flight back home. 2.4 on the tach when I got back home.
Good to see everyone.
I didn't even get chewed out by the medical officer who called me back while we were at lunch.

Jesse, you have the talent of threading the needle well. I can't believe everyone who drove! :)

Left to right in the picture: (Mike Bruce Greg Lynn Jason Jesse Grant Sharon, and Pete)
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I too made it back without incident, after a stop at Peoria Regional to see the good folks (Well, Shelly) at Lifeline Pilots. For the record, the folks in Lynn's picture are, clockwise around the table, Greg, Mike, Bruce, Lynn, Jason, Jesse, Grant, Sharon, and Pete.

Had a great time, and was relieved to walk out with a 2nd class medical. Same time next year?
Wow... I didn't realize this was an "everyone get their medical" party! (Hmmm... My second class is one year and two weeks old! :eek:)

Of course, my medicals are WAY too easy for someone of Dr. Bruce's caliber. ;)
Wow... I didn't realize this was an "everyone get their medical" party! (Hmmm... My second class is one year and two weeks old! :eek:)

Of course, my medicals are WAY too easy for someone of Dr. Bruce's caliber. ;)

I think we need to make it an annual "AMEfest" event. It's about the time in the year that we all work on "this year's" medical, and Lynn managed to rope in two that had expired medicals and were lacking a round tuit.

The only problem is that Bruce has to actually work while we tell war stories.

Besides, the food at Avanti's was really good.
ILS back into Lincoln last night. The approach into KPMV for fuel was a little more exciting.

I think we need to make it an annual "AMEfest" event. It's about the time in the year that we all work on "this year's" medical, and Lynn managed to rope in two that had expired medicals and were lacking a round tuit.

The only problem is that Bruce has to actually work while we tell war stories.

Besides, the food at Avanti's was really good.

Mike, you are giving me way too much credit for yesterday, but I do think that you have a great idea for next year! :thumbsup: My next medical is due in January 2012... let's definitely do this and keep Dr. Bruce busy!

And Jesse... I'm really disappointed in you... no video of the KPMV approach to near minimums from the right seat while helping Jason fly it in actual conditions at the same time??! Awww... you're really slacking! :dunno: